Tools and resources

Browse tools and resources by health sector stakeholders to implement the principles in settings, when working with other stakeholders and inform the planning and delivery of specialist care.

Cultural safety

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's 2015 issues paper Cultural competency in the delivery of health services for Indigenous people (PDF)
Target audience: Funders, specialists, Primary Health Care

Working with Aboriginal people and communities Health and community services audit (PDF)
Target audience: Primary Health Care, PHN, LHD, funders

Learn about specialist services in Queensland including medical specialists location and referral requirements, specialists' fees and availability, accessing specialists in rural and remote areas and flying doctor services
Target audience: Patients and community

The Department of Health and Human Services 2012 final report Improving the patient experience for Aboriginal people in the emergency department
Target audience: Hospitals

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's 2013 report Improving the accessibility of health services in urban and regional settings for Indigenous people
Target audience: Service delivery

Embedding cultural safety in Australia’s main health care standards (PDF) article from the Medical Journal of Australia 2017
Target audience: Funders, service delivery

Watch Delivering Health Care for Aboriginal People in a Person-Centred Way from the March 2017 TRACS WA Community of Practice (CoP), a collaborative overview of Caring for Aboriginal People in a Person Centred Way.
Target audience: Service delivery

Read What Indigenous Australian clients value about primary health care: a systematic review of qualitative evidence from the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2017 vol. 41 no. 4
Target audience: Service delivery, facilitators

See the Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) cultural safety 2016 framework
Target audience: Service delivery, facilitators, funders

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards User Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (PDF)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Overview: Guide to better care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Setting safety and quality goals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in health service organisations (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Cultural competence in caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Improving identification rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Creating safe and welcoming environments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Effective and safe communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Comprehensive care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Defining the Indefinable: Descriptors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Cultures and their Links to Health and Wellbeing (PDF)
Target audience: Primary Health Care, PHN, LHD, funders, service delivery, hospitals


The Rural Health Outreach Fund (RHOF) provides a flexible funding pool for initiatives aimed at improving access to medical specialists, GPs, allied and other health providers in rural, regional and remote areas of Australia. RHOF is administered by jurisdictional fundholders; funding generally covers specialists’ travel and accommodation costs only, no other costs outside of travel related costs.

The Medical Outreach – Indigenous Chronic Disease Program (MOICDP) provides funding to support a broad range of multi-disciplinary team based health outreach services that focus on the prevention, detection and management of chronic disease (primary and secondary care) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Primary Health Networks – manage the Integrated Team Care (ITC) Activity (PDF) funding. ITC focuses on assisting “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to obtain primary health care as required, provide care coordination services to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic disease/s who require coordinated, multidisciplinary care, and improve access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care”.

ACCHOs often have numerous funding sources with separate reporting requirements. Within the context of in service specialist care, this has the potential to affect the ability to deliver targeted specialist care as it requires the existence of core funding to support the service as a whole. NACCHO entered into an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector Support Network – Network Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth Government (as represented by the Department of Health) to manage funding to its Affiliates for the provision of services and support to the ACCHSs.

The distribution of funding for Aboriginal Health is unrelated to population size or need, is not indexed for inflation or service demand, and is not distributed equitably within and between the States and Territories. See NACCHO Aboriginal Health 2015-16 Budget Submission.

Models of care

Watch First Peoples Health from the RACP Online Congress Series, highlighting just some of the pressing health issues that Australia’s Indigenous communities are facing.
Target audience: Hospitals, Primary Health Care, PHN, Service delivery, Specialists

NSW Department of Health 2010 Chronic Care for Aboriginal People Model of Care (PDF)
Target audience: Specialists, Primary Health Care, PHN, LHD, Funders, Facilitators

Understanding the process to develop a Model of Care (PDF) a 2013 framework from the Agency for Clinical innovation
Target audience: Service delivery

WA Health Networks' 2014 Model of care overview and guidelines (PDF)
Target audience: Service delivery


Primary Health Networks (PHN) 2021 Needs Assessment Guide (PDF)
Target audience: PHN, funders, facilitators

See the Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) 2016 Needs Assessment report (PDF)
Target audience: Service delivery, facilitators, funders 

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards User Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (PDF)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Overview: Guide to better care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Setting safety and quality goals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in health service organisations (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Cultural competence in caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Improving identification rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Creating safe and welcoming environments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Effective and safe communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Comprehensive care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Quality improvement

Improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with acute coronary syndrome 2013 (PDF) a practical toolkit for quality improvement.
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Quality Improvement Framework and Toolkit for Hospital Staff 2015 (PDF)
Target audience: Hospitals

Aboriginal Identification in Hospitals Quality Improvement Project (PDF)
Target audience: Hospitals

Continuous quality improvement (CQI) tool: Aboriginal health in acute health services and area mental health services (PDF)
Target audience: Hospitals, Service delivery

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's 2013 report Improving the accessibility of health services in urban and regional settings for Indigenous people (PDF)
Target audience: Service delivery

Embedding cultural safety in Australia’s main health care standards 2017 (PDF)
Target audience: Funders, service delivery

Watch Delivering Health Care for Aboriginal People in a Person-Centred Way from the March 2017 TRACS WA Community of Practice (CoP), a collaborative overview of Caring for Aboriginal People in a Person Centred Way.
Target audience: Service delivery

What Indigenous Australian clients value about primary health care: a systematic review of qualitative evidence from the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2017 vol. 41 no. 4  
Target audience: Service delivery, facilitators

Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN) cultural safety 2016 framework
Target audience: Service delivery, facilitators, funders

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards User Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (PDF)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Overview: Guide to better care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Setting safety and quality goals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in health service organisations (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Cultural competence in caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Improving identification rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Creating safe and welcoming environments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Effective and safe communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

Comprehensive care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers (DOCX)
Target audience: Hospitals, funders, employers

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards User Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (PDF)
Target audience: Primary Health Care, PHN, LHD, funders, service delivery, hospitals

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