Final evaluation
The point between training position offers, contracts and commencing of the onboarding program provides an opportunity for a final evaluation of the outcome of recruitment and selection process.
Within your documentation you will have collected a wealth of information about the types and characteristics of successful and unsuccessful candidates. Chairs should have received feedback from their Selection Committee members and possibly candidates as well.
There is a wealth of material and information you may also be able to pull from other sources, including the human resources department and medical workforce and training units.
Improving the recruitment process
The recruitment process
Analyse scores on individual aspects of selection, for example CVs vs referee reports, individual interview stations, or scores between various selection criteria, as these may provide some vital clues as to what parts of the process are more discriminatory and are potentially helpful in making future decisions.
Take a look at the characteristics of any trainees who declined an offer.
Keep trend data over several years. For example the total number of applicants, the number of applicants according to demographics versus positions, and the number of internal candidates versus external candidates. If the proportion of candidates to positions is trending upwards, this is generally a positive sign. If the trend is going downwards, you may need to concentrate your efforts towards advertising and promoting available positions.
At this stage, examining the local pipeline, such as the number of internal candidates applying, may make sense as it is generally easier to market training positions to medical trainees already within your reach.
Human Resources or Medical Workforce Unit
Gather information about the number of trainees who resigned early, particularly in the first six months, and track this back to see if there was any indication of this outcome during the selection process. All employees who resign should be offered an exit interview or exit survey. Human Resources can compile results of these interviews or surveys.
Training program
Try to match the ranking scores of candidates to their training performance.