Abstract guidelines
Abstract title
Title must be short, informative and contain major keywords in 14 point Arial font, sentence case and formatted bold and justified.
Author names and organisation/institution affiliation
List each author's first name and last name in 12 point Arial font. The presenting author’s name should appear in bold. Superscript numbers must be used to indicate the author's organisation/institution affiliation(s).
Author’s organisation/institution affiliation(s) must include city, state, country and the appropriate superscript number in 10 point Arial font and justified.
Style example
Anne Smith1, John Jones2 and Paul Peters3
1University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, 2University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland and 3Canberra Hospital, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Abstract text
Must be in 10 point Arial font, single-spaced, justified and a maximum of 500 words, excluding references. The abstract should be text only and must not include tables, images or diagrams.
Abstract should address:
- Background
Brief statement of relevant work or clinical situation and hypothesis if applicable.
- Aim
Brief statement of overall aim or aims.
- Methods
Laboratory or other techniques used, including statistical analyses. Outcome measures clearly stated.
- Results
Provide a description of the main findings — statistically significant results and relevant negative data. Don't include inferred results.
- Conclusion
Must refer to the aim or aims of the study and can include suggestions for future action.
- References
In the text, references should be cited using superscript numbers in the order that they appear. Up to 5 key references are to be included.
In the reference list, the references should be numbered and listed in order of appearance in the text. Cite all author names where there are 6 or less authors. Where there are 7 or more authors, list the first 6 authors followed by 'et al.'
In general
Use standard abbreviations only within the body of the abstract. When using abbreviations, spell out the name in full at the first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract. Capitalise the first letter of trade names.
Care should be taken to ensure high quality English expression and grammar.
Abstract submission terms and conditions
By submitting an abstract, you are confirming each author listed in the abstract:
- agrees with the content of the abstract and has given permission to be listed as an author/presenter
- has checked the accuracy of the information and referencing within the abstract
- has been granted all appropriate consents and approvals from any third party for the use of information provided
- has complied with all legislation, including that relating to the privacy of any person or patient
- allows RACP to publish the abstract in College documents and on the College and Congress website
- grants RACP a royalty-free, non-exclusive perpetual licence to use, reproduce and publish all materials associated and any subsequent submission, presentation or slides associated with the abstract and, to modify and adapt them (but only to the extent that it is necessary for such use and publication)
- allows RACP to live stream and/or record any associated presentation and make a recording of it available on the College or Congress website
- consents that RACP may publish the personal details of the authors including their email address, as listed in the abstract
- allows RACP to publish all photographs taken which relate to it
- will assist in media activity including interviews, as reasonably requested by RACP
- has read the terms and conditions and agrees to abide by them.
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