AChPM Best Trainee Research Project Award

Applications closed Friday, 31 May 2024.

The AChPM Best Trainee Research Project Award is awarded for the best research project submitted for assessment for Advanced Training in Palliative Medicine each year.

Dr Brian Fernandes | 2024 recipient

brian fernandesDr Brian Fernandes recently completed his physician training in Palliative Medicine, having worked across several local health districts in Sydney, Australia. During his training, Brian was involved in a research project at St George Hospital, focusing on the outcomes of patients with advanced heart failure. Under the supervision of Dr Caitlin Sheehan, they assessed the impact of integrating a Palliative Medicine Physician into the hospital's advanced heart failure service.

The prospective cohort study uncovered a substantial unmet symptom burden among patients with advanced heart failure and emphasised the need for timely advance care planning and early palliative care referrals. These findings have resulted in oral presentations and are currently under peer review. Brian hopes that this research will drive service development and advocate for dedicated funding to enhance palliative care in the management of life-limiting non-malignant conditions.


Applicants must be either:

  • a registered palliative medicine Advanced Trainee
  • OR
  • palliative medicine new Fellow (in your first year of Fellowship)

(All AChPM members are welcome to apply, including those in PCHD.)


The award recipient will receive a $1000 cash prize and a certificate, which will be formally presented at the Australian & New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM) Medical & Surgical Conference in September 2024.


Read the Terms and Conditions for Awards and Prizes valued up to $5000 before you apply.

When applying, you must submit in a single PDF document:

  • a completed application
  • a copy of your Advanced Training Research Project

Note: Your research project must have been submitted between 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.

Submit your application to

The College Conflicts Of Interest Policy (PDF) and Privacy Policy apply to the prize nominees and recipient.

Selection process

A judging panel consisting of the ANZSPM President (or their delegate), AChPM President (or their delegate) and Training Committee in Palliative Medicine Chair (or their delegate) will determine the recipient.

The judges will review all entries based on the Advanced Training Research Project marking criteria (DOC).

The AChPM will announce the recipient at the biennial ANZSPM Conference or, in alternate years, the ANZSPM Update.

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