AChSHM Award for Outstanding Contribution to Sexual Health Medicine

Nominations closed 15 October 2024.

The Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine (AChSHM) recognises the outstanding contributions made by Fellows of the AChSHM through our biennial awards.

In 2024, nominate a Fellow for one of the following categories:

  • outstanding contribution to education and training
  • outstanding contribution to research


A nominee must be a registered Fellow of the AChSHM, nominated by a registered Fellow or trainee of the AChSHM.

A nominee is ineligible if they:

  • submit a nomination on their own behalf
  • are a previous recipient of the Award


The recipient is formally presented with a certificate at the AChSHM Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).


Before proceeding, read the terms and conditions for awards and prizes valued under $1000 and notify your nominee of your intent to nominate them.

Submit your nomination form and supporting documentation to

Download nomination form (DOC)

Our Conflicts of Interest Policy (PDF) and Privacy Policy apply.

Selection process

All nominations received are judged by an Award Review Panel comprised of the Chapter President and appointed Fellows of AChSHM.

The prize recipient will be announced at the AChSHM ASM in March 2025.

The Award Review Panel and AChSHM reserve the right not to award the prize if there are no nominations of a sufficiently high standard.

For all questions and enquiries about the about the Award, contact us.

Related content

Past recipients
Terms and conditions
Division, Faculty and Chapter Awards and Prizes

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