Smokefree 2025 – Make your voice heard

Date published:
04 May 2021

Smokefree Aotearoa 2025

Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death and disease in Aotearoa New Zealand, and a key driver of health inequities. Action taken to date has failed to correct this imbalance.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death for Māori women and the second leading cause for Māori men.

Lung cancer mortality among Māori women is over four times that of non-Māori women.

If we do nothing, Aotearoa New Zealand will not meet its smokefree goal by 2025, and Māori will not reach it until 2061.

The actions proposed by the Ministry of Health aim to achieve minimal levels of smoking by 2025, through flagship policies such as the establishment of a smokefree generation, which would eliminate legal access to smoked tobacco products for those born after 1 January 2004.

The RACP is preparing a submission on the proposals and we want to hear the thoughts of our members so that we can best reflect your expertise. Contact the Aotearoa NZ Policy & Advocacy Team to make your voice heard.

See Proposals for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan

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