RACP Member Journey Mapping project

Date published:
21 Jul 2017

The RACP’s Member Journey Mapping project is designed to give us a deeper understanding of members and their experiences with the College.

It will chart the different experiences members have in interacting with the RACP from the beginning of Basic Training, right through to retirement.

We want to learn more about your changing professional needs at different career stages, and develop a greater understanding of how, where and when you interact with the College.

The findings will enable the College to more closely tailor existing and new products and services to deliver greater value to trainees and Fellows, now and in the future.

This is an exciting project to ensure the RACP continues to remain relevant, valuable and supportive to you in our rapidly changing and evolving profession.

Find out more 
If you have any questions please email memberservices@racp.edu.au

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