RACP consultation: TGA Proposed reforms to the regulation of nicotine vaping products ​

Date published:
23 Dec 2022

The TGA is conducting a public consultation on the proposed reforms to the regulation of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) in Australia. Emerging evidence shows that the current regulations are not achieving their intended purpose. A black market of NVPs exists, and that NVPs are being readily accessed unlawfully by children, adolescents, and by adults for recreational purposes, without a prescription.

The reform options proposed are in four mains areas, with a view to preventing children and adolescents from accessing NVPs, while supporting access to prescription based NVPs of known composition and quality for smoking cessation:

  • changes to border controls for NVPs
  • pre-market TGA assessment of NVPs against a product standard
  • strengthening the product standard regarding minimum quality and safety standards for NVPs
  • clarifying the status of NVPs as ‘therapeutic goods’.

The College produced a policy document on e-cigarettes in 2018 and intends to making a submission to this consultation.

We are now inviting feedback on ­any questions listed in the RACP consultation form. You can either respond via sending back the consultation form, or directly emailing your feedback to racpconsult@racp.edu.au by COB Monday, 2 January.


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