Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine
What is the Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine?
The Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine is the specialised area of practice concerned with healthy sexual relations.
What has been achieved so far?
The Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine (AChSHM) is leading and contributing to a number of RACP policy and advocacy projects and the EVOLVE initiative.
AChSHM contributed to the RACP’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Care for Young People Position Statement, which was launched in late 2015. This year it will lead a project on Indigenous sexual health, in collaboration with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Committee.
Recent submissions, position statements and media
How can I contribute my expertise?
RACP Trainees and Physicians need to see Represent Your Profession or email or use the online contact form.
How do I contact AChSHM?
Email or use the online contact form.
Where can I read more?
Read published RACP policies, position statements or submissions by searching the Policy and Advocacy Library or view the latest Policy Submissions.