Get involved

We encourage physicians to implement these recommendations in their work and health services.

Evolve encourages physicians to reflect and consider why a clinical practice will not be of benefit to a patient by asking:

  • Are these low-value practices that I do?
  • Are these low-value practices that I see happening?
  • Are there systems, processes or expectations that encourage or drive these low-value practices in my health service?
Considering the individual patient

We encourage physicians to engage in shared decision-making with patients and carers and adopt Choosing Wisely Australia's 5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider.

We recommend asking these questions before making a clinical decision:

  1. Should I undertake this practice for this patient?
  2. Do the risks to the patient outweigh the benefits?
  3. Does the patient really need this test, treatment or procedure?
  4. Are there simpler, safer options?
  5. Does this Evolve recommendation make a difference to my clinical decision-making?

Evolve Policy & Advocacy Interest Group

The Evolve Policy & Advocacy Interest Group (PAIG) provides guidance on the Evolve Strategy 2022-26 (PDF) and implementation plan activities. Evolve members are also involved in various Evolve implementation activities and can gain CPD points for various Evolve activities. See tips on implementing Evolve.

Join the Evolve PAIG

Tips on implementing Evolve

Evolve aims to support physicians to safely and responsibly phase out low-value tests, treatments and procedures where appropriate, provide high-value care to patients based on evidence and expertise, and influence the best use of health resources, reducing wasted expenditure.

There are several ways you can help implement Evolve Top-5 recommendations in your workplace, including:

  • Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
  • Email us to join the Evolve Policy & Advocacy Interest Group and help shape and drive the initiative.
  • Be a part of developing your specialties Top-5 recommendations.
  • Make recommendations a routine part of clinical handovers.
  • Include recommendations in education sessions like grand rounds, workshops, clinical case reviews, and team meetings.
  • Undertake a clinical audit and feedback project on a recommendation.
  • Build your skills to enable them to participate in joint decision making with their patients, or have difficult discussions with their colleagues or supervisor.
  • Engage hospital management in implementing the recommendations across the health service.
  • Discuss the recommendations with referring doctors and your multidisciplinary care team.
  • Encourage organisational and department Evolve Champions to help drive change.
  • Undertake research on Evolve and implementation of Evolve recommendations.
  • Share your experiences, ideas and challenges with us and other physicians.
  • Order Evolve merchandise and collateral for your next event to share the word.

Evolve activities can be claimed as CPD. See the MyCPD Framework for more information.

Developing a list

There are 3 steps to developing a list:

  1. Development of an initial list of low-value practices in your specialty.
  2. Refinement of the list through research, data analysis, and seeking feedback from the membership.
  3. Finalisation of the list using pre-determined criteria and membership feedback to identify the final top-5 low-value practices.
"A smart, succinct, evidence-based list of 5 points with direct clinical relevance."
– Dr Theo van Lieshout, Sexual Health Physician

The development process requires a:

  • Lead Fellow | acts as an Evolve Clinical Champion and the primary point of contact with the College.
  • Working Party | small group of specialty members that manage evidence review, recommendation development, and are responsible for review and sign-off of the final list.
  • Membership Body | provides feedback throughout the development process and is actively engaged in implementation of the final recommendations.

Email Evolve to get started


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