RACP MAIC Research Awards
The Queensland Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) is the regulatory authority responsible for the ongoing management of the Compulsory Third Party scheme in Queensland. One of MAIC's functions is to promote research, education and infrastructure to reduce the number of motor vehicle crashes and facilitate rehabilitation of injured people.
The RACP MAIC Research Awards support and promote research capacity and capability to improve knowledge on:
- medical conditions or illnesses which cause or contribute to motor vehicle accidents (MVAs)
- medical treatments or approaches that improve health outcomes for people involved in MVAs
- rehabilitation of people who sustain a temporary or permanent disability through MVAs
- improving longer term outcomes of people injured in MVAs including:
- pain management
- community re-integration
- psychosocial, mental health and vocational outcomes
The Awards are tenable in Queensland but considerations are made if there is a demonstrable benefit to the state of Queensland from research being undertaken elsewhere in Australia.
Applications for 2024 funding are now open.
Open to Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand Fellows of the RACP's Divisions, Faculties and Chapters who:
- completed their higher research degree over seven years ago, or
- have demonstrable research and clinical experience
Open to Australian Fellows and Advanced Trainees of the RACP's Divisions, Faculties and Chapters.
Open to Australian Fellows and Advanced Trainees of the RACP's Divisions, Faculties and Chapters, currently enrolled or about to enrol in a Masters, PhD or equivalent research higher degree.