Education Development Grants

Applications closed.

Educational Development Grants provide support to Fellows and trainees to undertake further educational training or to develop educational initiatives.

Read the Terms and Conditions carefully before submitting your application.


RACP AFOEM Education Development Grant Up to $10,000
RACP AFRM Education Development Grant Up to $10,000
RACP AChSHM Study Grant Up to $4,000
Aotearoa New Zealand Education Development Grant Up to NZD $10,000
RACP Paediatric Small Study Grants Up to $10,000
RACP Queensland Committee Education Development Grant Up to $10,000
Eric Burnard Fellowship Up to $10,000
Richard Kemp Memorial Fellowship Up to $5,000
Skilled Medical Scholarship for the Advancement of Indigenous Health Up to $10,000

RACP AFOEM Education Development Grant

Purpose: To support and encourage further educational training or develop educational initiatives in occupational and environmental medicine. The grant can go towards:

  • gaining new technical expertise in a field relevant to occupational or environmental medicine
  • training at an institution in one or more of the AFOEM competencies
  • providing further education opportunities for a group, for example webinar support or a lecture

Requirement: Applicants must submit a budget outlining the funding they require.
Value: Up to $10,000.
Eligibility: Fellows and trainees of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM).
Tenable: Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas.

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The Grant is made possible through funds provided by Fellows of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

RACP AFRM Education Development Grant

Purpose: To support and encourage further educational training or develop educational initiatives in rehabilitation medicine. The Grant can go towards:

  • gaining new technical expertise in a field relevant to rehabilitation medicine
  • training at an appropriate institution in one or more of the AFRM competencies
  • participation and presenting a paper at a conference or scientific meeting

Proposals for further education opportunities in a group setting, for example webinar support, will be considered.
Value: Up to $10,000.
Eligibility: Fellows and trainees of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (AFRM).
Tenable: Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas.

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The Grant is made possible through funds provided by Fellows of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine.

RACP AChSHM Study Grant

Purpose: To support and encourage further educational training or develop educational initiatives in sexual health medicine. The Grant can go towards:

  • training at an appropriate institution
  • gaining technical expertise
  • participation and presenting a paper at a conference or scientific meeting
  • supporting costs associated with research projects

Preference will be given to trainees and those applicants unable to access travel support for educational activities/conferences.
Value: Up to $4,000.
Eligibility: Fellows and trainees of the Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine (AChSHM).
Tenable: Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas.

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The Grant is made possible by funds from the Fellows of the Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine.

Aotearoa New Zealand Education Development Grant

Purpose: To support and encourage further educational training or develop educational initiatives in an applicant's field of medical study.
Value: Up to NZD $10,000.
Eligibility: Aotearoa New Zealand Fellows or trainees of any RACP Division, Faculty or Chapter, who are residents of Aotearoa New Zealand at the time of application.
Tenable: Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas. 

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The Grant is made possible through donations from Aotearoa New Zealand Fellows of the RACP.

RACP Paediatric Small Study Grants


  • encourage clinical paediatric research led by Advanced Trainees and Fellows
  • provide funding to Advanced Trainees and Fellows not currently receiving other competitive funding grants
  • allow completion of a research project

Value: Up to $10,000.
Applicant eligibility:

  • Advanced Trainees or Fellows in Paediatric & Child Health
  • not currently receiving category 1 funding such as NHRMC or ARC
  • not currently enrolled in a research higher degree

Project eligibility:

  • not previously received a competitive research grant
  • subject matter wholly or in part concerns paediatrics and child health — research with a high potential for translation will be prioritised
  • project must be completed within a 12-month timeline from being awarded the grant

Special requirements: The successful applicant will submit an abstract and attend the RACP Congress within 2 years of project completion to present a summary of their research. Research results will also be highlighted in the Pot-Pourri and the Aotearoa NZ ROC Community.

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The Grant is made possible by the RACP Paediatric & Child Health Division.

RACP Queensland Committee Educational Development Grant

Purpose: To assist Fellows and trainees implement or undertake educational projects or activities.

Value: Up to $10,000.
Eligibility: Queensland Fellows and trainees of all RACP Divisions, Faculties and Chapters. Applications for group projects will be considered eligible providing they are led by a Queensland Fellow or trainee.
Tenable: Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas. 

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The Grant is made possible by the Queensland Committee

Eric Burnard Fellowship

Purpose: To support and encourage further education in the field of neonatology and/or improve health outcomes of infants. This can include:

  • gaining new technical expertise in a relevant area of neonatology
  • training at an appropriate institution
  • participation and presenting a paper at a conference or scientific meeting

Other proposals demonstrating further education development will be considered.
Value: Up to $10,000.
Eligibility: Fellows or trainees of any RACP Division, Faculty or Chapter.
Tenable: Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas.

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The Fellowship commemorates the life and work of Dr Eric Burnard who died in 1991. He is remembered for his outstanding contribution to medicine, particularly in the field of neonatology.

Richard Kemp Memorial Fellowship

Purpose: To provide support for trainees who are pursuing clinical training in Infectious Diseases and/or HIV Medicine. The Fellowship can fund:

  • attendance at a clinical meeting
  • travel to appropriate centres within Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and overseas
  • a clinical attachment
  • any other use that the selection committee sees fit, within the spirit of the Fellowship, that supports clinical training

Value: Up to $5000.

  • Trainees from all RACP Divisions, Faculties, and Chapters, and members of the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) or the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID).
  • Trainees in other recognized programs offering a postgraduate qualification in the areas of Infectious Diseases or HIV Medicine.

Tenable: Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and overseas.

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The Fellowship is in memory of the lifelong commitment displayed to the practice and teaching of clinical medicine in the areas of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine by Dr Richard Kemp.

Skilled Medical Scholarship for Advancement of Indigenous Health

Purpose: To assist and encourage the advancement of Indigenous Health in Australia and/or Aotearoa New Zealand. Funds to be used to undertake:

  • health services research
  • a health planning and development activity, or
  • a project aimed at making a material contribution to the advancement of Indigenous Health in Australia and/or New Zealand.

Value: Up to $10,000.

  • Fellows and Advanced Trainees of the RACP, its Divisions, Faculties and Chapters. Those identifying as Aboriginal, Torres Islander or Māori are encouraged to apply.
  • Selection Process: Applications are reviewed by an Award Review Panel that consists of an identified panel member, members of the Grants Advisory Committee and Director or delegate of Skilled Medical.

Tenable: Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
Special requirements: Recipients will be required to present a summary of their research or activity at an RACP event.

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This Scholarship is made possible through the generous support of Skilled Medical Pty.Ltd
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