Tell us your health and wellbeing stories
Date published:
28 Jul 2017
The days of doctors being stoic at all costs are long gone. We know there are many people who continue working under psychological distress and don’t talk about it or seek help.
As part of our focus on member health and wellbeing it’s important we talk openly about mental health and the health impact of working in the medical profession today.
We need your help to continue these conversations, in particular physicians who have overcome or are successfully living and working with health issues.
Our College wants to hear your stories of:
- Your experiences with mental health, stress or overwork as a medical professional and how you managed through these
- How you preserved or preserve your health and wellbeing
- Your advice for your professional peers
Any story submitted will be treated in strictest confidence; none will be used without your written permission.
Our hope is to feature member’s own stories, with their names attributed, in future College communications such as RACP Quarterly, our eBulletins and through our website and social media channels.
We're seeking first person stories by named members across our College to open up and advance the conversation around these important issues, and to lead genuine and lasting cultural change across our profession.
If you would like to contribute your story – please email within the next two months. A member of the College Communications team will contact you to start the process.
If you are currently experiencing a mental-health issue, stress or overwork and feel you need immediate help to cope – please contact our independent and confidential 24/7 helpline on 1300 687 327 (Aust) or 0800 666 367 (NZ).