Medicare card in myGov app
Date published:
04 Apr 2023
Australians can add their Medicare card to the digital wallet in the myGov app. Services Australia released the new myGov app last year. The app has a digital wallet where people can securely store some government digital cards and certificates. People can already use the wallet to store their Centrelink concession and health care cards.
The new digital Medicare card in the myGov app looks similar to Medicare cards in the Express Plus Medicare app and physical cards.
The myGov app has features to protect against fraud and theft of all items in the myGov wallet. Medicare cards and Centrelink concession and health care cards have:
- an animated hologram to show the card is not a screenshot
- a QR code that can be scanned to confirm the card is genuine and valid
- the date and time of when the card was last updated at the bottom of the screen.
If a person is no longer eligible for Medicare, the card will be automatically removed from their myGov app. When a person’s Medicare card expires, it’ll be replaced automatically in their myGov wallet if they’re still eligible. Accepting a digital Medicare card and scanning the QR code is optional, you don’t have to accept it if you don’t want to. You can still verify a Medicare card in the same way you do now.
Scanning QR codes
You scan the code using the myGov app on your device. You don’t need to sign in to the app to scan the QR code.
For more information on how you can verify your patient’s digital Medicare card, view the myGov wallet - Information for health professionals infographic on the Health Professional Education Resources website.