Interim changes to requirements

The College Education Committee (CEC) developed a range of interim measures for training and accreditation in response to the impacts of COVID-19. These changes to requirements were first published in April 2020 and were updated in 2021 and 2022 as the COVID situation changed. All decisions were made in accordance with our education and training principles to try and minimise the disruptions to settings and to progression through training.

The guidelines will continue to be referenced by training committees to guide decision making in consideration of exceptional individual trainee circumstances. This will occur through the existing special consideration process. If you’re unable to complete the training program requirements due to COVID-19, advise your training committee as soon as possible and, if appropriate, seek special consideration of your individual circumstances. For more information, see the Special Consideration for Assessment Policy.

Should the COVID-19 situation change significantly the CEC may review the application of the guidelines.


Training Committees use these guidelines to provide flexibility for trainees and training settings.

  1. The College considers training during the COVID-19 pandemic a valuable training experience for all our trainees. The College wants to make as much training count towards training programs as it can, while specialty program requirements are met.
  2. Trainees who started training in 2020 or earlier were granted a 12-month extension to complete their current training program only (as registered for in 2020).
  3. Training Committees will continue to consider flexibility for due dates as needed.
  4. Trainees can take up to 14 days of COVID-19 leave per clinical year. COVID-19 leave covers quarantine or sickness without it affecting their training time or RACP leave allowance while the pandemic is being managed (currently from 2020–2023). Any leave beyond the 14 days is assessed at the end of the year and a decision is made based on supervisor feedback.
    Trainees need to provide evidence to support leave from their employer, GP or other appropriate medical practitioner.
    Find out more about absences from training in the Progression Through Training Policy (PDF).
  5. Trainees are currently expected to satisfactorily complete the training program requirements as published in the specialty training handbooks, including research projects.
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