Results email
You receive an email with your exam result from 3pm AEST, Thursday 11 April 2024.
Ensure we have your current email address and contact number. Contact us if you don’t receive the email.
Paper A (MEQ)
All candidates receive a copy of the general feedback which provides an overview of key strengths and weaknesses of responses to each question across the entire cohort as summarised by the examiners when marking the exam.
For previous years feedback reports, see:
Feedback Report 2023 (PDF)
Feedback Report 2024 (PDF)
In addition to this feedback, we are now providing more individual feedback to indicate the performance band you achieved for each question.
For each question, there are six performance band ranges:
- Excellent performance
- Better than expected standard
- Meets expected standard
- Below expected performance
- Poor performance
- Very poor performance
Paper B (MCQ)
All candidates receive their overall score as a percentage, against the overall pass mark for the assessment.
Unsuccessful candidates receive a summary of the number of correct questions achieved within each subject area addressed in the paper.
We understand that you may be interested in further individualised feedback, however we are unable to provide this. We encourage you to speak with your Advanced Training (AT) Supervisor or a mentor about your results to identify your strengths and those areas where you can improve.
To ensure equitable access and fairness to all candidates, the AFRM Annual Trainees Meeting (ATM) provides sessions on examinations, including exam preparation and other aspects of the exam, with opportunity for questions.
Next steps
To gain Fellowship of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, you must pass this exam and:
If you’re unsuccessful in either paper, you only need to re-sit the unsuccessful paper. The exam fee is for the set of exams and there is no discount for attempting only 1 paper.