Frequently asked questions

Access to Training Management Platform (TMP)

I am a DPE, why can’t I see my trainees once I have approved their application?

Once a training application is approved, DPEs will no longer have access to it in TMP. After a trainee submits a rotation plan, setting/network DPEs and nominated supervisors can view the trainee's records under 'My Trainees' in the menu.

Which internet browser best supports TMP?

Chrome, Edge and Safari are the recommended browsers when using TMP.

Will settings with multiple DPEs have access to all trainee records within the setting?

Yes, any DPEs assigned to the relevant setting will have immediate access to the trainee records on TMP once the trainee has nominated the setting in the training application. (Note: Once a training application is approved, DPEs will no longer have access to it in TMP. After a trainee submits a rotation plan, setting/network DPEs and nominated supervisors can view the trainee's records under 'My Trainees' in the menu.) 

Who will have access to trainee records on TMP?

DPEs will see any trainees who have nominated their setting/network either via the training application or rotation plan. DPEs will be able to view their trainees and their training record and approve training applications. (Note: Once a training application is approved, DPEs will no longer have access to it in TMP. After a trainee submits a rotation plan, setting/network DPEs and nominated supervisors can view the trainee's records under 'My Trainees' in the menu.)

Education supervisors (ES) will see a trainee once the trainee nominates them as their supervisor. ES will be able to complete phase progress reports with the trainee and see their training requirements. (Note: Progress Reports not available in TMP under June 2025).

Rotation supervisors will see a trainee once the trainee nominates them as their supervisor in the rotation plan. RS will be able to complete rotation progress reports with the trainee and see their training requirements. (Note: Progress Reports not available in TMP under June 2025).

Assessors are a nominated point-in-time role associated with the Observation capture and nominated by the trainee. Assessors who do not hold another role in relation to the trainee will be unable to see any of the trainee's record, except for the OC in which they have been requested to assess.

Training program coordinators (TPC) is an admin support role which will mirror DPE visibility of trainees. TPCs will be able to approve training applications and view all training requirements.

When will TMP be available to use?

The new Training Management Platform (TMP) will be available for selected training programs from December 2024 for new trainees to apply for the 2025 training year.

How do I log into TMP when it becomes available?

To log into TMP, you'll need your RACP user ID, password, and multi-factor authentication.

  • New trainees: complete the new user form to set up your RACP account.
  • Existing users: use your current logins from early December 2024.
  • Supervision roles and others without a login: access will be assigned via nomination in the learning and assessment tools including rotation plan, learning capture and observation captures.

What are some of the key changes and benefits that I can expect with the new Training Management Platform (TMP) technology, compared to what we’re currently using? 

Benefits include:

  • single centralised management of progression through training throughout a trainee’s journey
  • integrated data driven assessment tools to support a streamlined review and reflection process
  • tools to support transparent training and decision-making, such as the Review Panel Report and Phase Progress report which will roll out over time
  • enablement of competency-based knowledge driven training
  • the ability to switch between roles in a simple way
  • user feedback will help drive improvements to the system
  • adherence to a process of continuous improvement to improve training tools based on trainee and supervisor feedback

Will the TMP be available on a mobile device?

The TMP is responsive by design, meaning that it offers users a mobile-friendly view of the platform. However, it is not an app and cannot be accessed offline. As it is accessing real time data, you will need an internet connection to access the TMP.

The TMP is being rolled out in stages.  What parts of the new technology will be available next year?

While not all TMP functionality will be available at the start of the 2025 training year, you'll be able to:

  • register for 2025 training year opening in early December 2024
  • complete learning and assessment tools including the learning plan, learning captures, observation captures and learning courses

Why are we switching to a new platform?

We are introducing new curricula across our diverse specialty training programs to place more emphasis on competency in training with a programmatic assessment approach. This includes new curricula standards and learning, teaching and assessment programs. The new curricula will be supported by a new Training Management Platform which aims to enhance the management and delivery of RACP training programs and improve a trainee’s journey through training.

How will the TMP support the shift to programmatic assessment and competency based medical education?

Programmatic assessment is an approach to collecting data on trainee performance through frequent, carefully chosen assessments that are linked to learning goals. The new curricula will use this approach to provide a comprehensive view of trainees’ progress across curriculum standards. Assessment data will be easily accessible via the TMP portal, enabling supervisors to identify development areas and provide timely support and intervention.

Entry application

What information and/or evidence do trainees need to provide when applying to enter the training program using the training application on TMP?

Trainees will need to provide the following:

  • training program - Division & country
  • training setting and network (where applicable)
  • medical registration details
  • responses to eligibility criteria (BTs to confirm their training position)

How do I apply to start training in the new curricula in 2025?

Prospective first year trainees are required to submit a training application on the Training Management Platform (TMP) from early December 2024 to apply for entry into the training program for the 2025 clinical training year. The entry application will be assessed against the program entry criteria outlined in the program specific curricula on RACP online learning.

How do trainees access a pending training application?

Trainees can see all their training plans (regardless of status) by logging into TMP and going to 'Applications'. There they can see the status of their training applications and open them to view the submitted information.

Do I need to submit more than one training application if I am dual training?

Yes. If you're dual training in 2 or more programs of which one is under a new curriculum, then you'll need to submit an application for each specialty.

Can trainees select a training network and/or primary training setting in the entry application?

Trainees will be able to select either a setting as part of a network, or a setting alone (not a part of a network). This will depend on their training position.

Who approves the training application for Basic Training?

DPEs will be primarily responsible for approving training applications for Basic Training. In networks where the network DPE typically approves training applications they will have access to do so. Also, the TPC role (which is an administrative support role in the system) can approve applications on behalf of the DPE.

Can the Network DPE and/or the setting DPE approve training applications?

Yes, both can approve a training application in TMP. DPEs will receive notifications for applications submitted at their setting. Network DPEs will need to login to TMP to view the applications under 'My Trainees'. Notifications aren't sent to Network DPEs, as the volume of notifications may be extremely high depending on the network and they are generally not primarily responsible for approving them. 

Can the medical education staff within the setting (i.e., Training Program Coordinators) approve training applications?

Yes, medical education staff who have been setup with the TPC role in TMP will be able to approve training applications on behalf of the DPE.

Rotation Plan

What information and/or evidence do trainees need to provide in the rotation plan?

All trainees will need to provide rotation details including:

  • start and end date
  • FTE
  • training setting
  • subspecialty
  • identifying learning opportunities that relate to their learning goals
  • nominating a rotation supervisor

Advanced Trainees will also need to provide a position description that outlines their responsibilities. This information is similar to what's provided as part of the timetable in online registration.
Basic Trainees can nominate their rotation supervisor after submitting their rotation plan. This allows them to submit plans prospectively and then notify us of their supervisor once they commence training in that specific rotation.
For both Advanced and Basic Trainees, details can be added to the rotation plan after initial submission. This allows trainees to add to their rotation plan as details are known.

How will rotation supervisors be identified on TMP?

Rotation supervisors are nominated through the rotation plan in TMP. Once nominated, rotation supervisors can view the trainee's record, including past assessments completed within the same program.

Do Advanced Trainees need both an Education Supervisor and Rotation Supervisors?

Advanced Trainees will only need to nominate Rotation Supervisors as part of their rotation plan.
Rotation supervisors are equivalent to an AT supervisor under the PREP curricula.

Will a list of accredited supervisors be available in TMP?

Yes. Trainees can select from a list of approved supervisors when nominating their Education and Rotation supervisors. If they can't find their supervisor on this approved list, they can provide us with their supervisor details so that we can review the information and have the supervisor onboarded as an approved supervisor as appropriate.

If a non-accredited supervisor or user without an existing RACP log in gets nominated as a rotation supervisor, how is this approved and how do they get access to TMP?

They will be flagged to RACP staff, who'll assess if they're an eligible supervisor by confirming qualifications and/or by conferring with DPEs. If deemed appropriate, they'll be contacted with instructions to set up an RACP account or asked to provide details so that staff can create their account. They'll then follow the relevant SPDP requirements as applicable to them in order to become an approved supervisor in the future.

Who will approve the rotation plan for Basic Training?

Rotation plans for Basic Training don't initially require a Rotation Supervisor to be nominated. They will be reviewed by RACP staff and validated against the professional experience requirements for training. Once trainees know who their Rotation Supervisor is going to be, they can nominate the supervisor in the rotation plan. This supervisor will then review the rotation plan and can advise the trainee of any updates needed.
Trainees can edit a rotation plan, including learning goal opportunities and rotation supervisor(s), after it has been submitted. The plan can't be edited after training time is certified.

Who will approve the rotation plan for Advanced Training?

Rotation supervisors will approve rotation plans for Advanced Trainees. Trainees nominate their supervisors within the rotation plan itself.
Rotation supervisors are equivalent to an AT supervisor under the PREP curricula.

Where do I assign an Education Supervisor in TMP?

Education supervisors are a Basic Training only role and are assigned at the Training Program level. This is under the 'Training Plan' tab in TMP.

  • For trainees: Go to TMP>My Training>Training program>Training plan
  • For supervisors: Go to TMP> My Trainees >Trainee > Training plan

I'm a Basic Trainee but my rotation allocation(s) for the year haven't yet been confirmed - should I still submit a rotation plan?

If you don't know the details of your rotation(s), select the rotation type as 'other' and add that your rotation allocation is to be confirmed in the 'additional comments' section. Once your rotations are confirmed you'll be able to update your rotation plan. Rotation plans must be updated no later than the rotation start date.

Can the rotation plan, including rotation supervisors, be edited after submission?

Yes, most sections of the rotation plan can be edited after submission and up until the end of the rotation. This includes details such as learning goals and rotation supervisors.
However, the following sections can't be changed after initial submission:

  • Rotation plan type – You can't switch between non-accredited, accredited, and interruption once submitted. (This is different from rotation type, which relates to the subspecialty the trainee is undertaking—this will remain editable.)
  • Training setting – This determines who should be assigned as the DPE, so trainees can't change this after submission. If a setting is incorrect, the rotation plan will need to be archived, and a new one submitted.
Updating Rotation Supervisors:
  • rotation supervisors can't be deleted.
  • to update a supervisor, an end date must be applied to the current supervisor first. A new supervisor can then be added.
  • alternatively, a new rotation plan will need to be created.

Once training time is certified, the rotation plan can no longer be edited

Are the rotation details pre-filled for the trainees?

No, trainees will need to add all rotation details to their rotation plan.

Can DPEs and medical education staff within the setting assign supervisors?

DPEs and Training Program Coordinators (TPCs) can update the Education Supervisor(s) for trainees within their relevant training settings.
In the first half of 2025, DPEs and TPCs will not be able to assign Education Supervisor(s) in the system, the trainee will need to nominate themselves. However, this functionality will be made available in later releases of TMP.

Is the rotation supervisor(s) nominated in the rotation plan the only users that can complete the rotation progress report?

Yes, the rotation supervisor(s) nominated on the rotation plan are the only user(s) that can complete the rotation progress report, however the rotation supervisor can be updated at any time prior to this.

How many of the learning goals need to be selected in the rotation plan?

There's no set requirement for how many learning goals need to be addressed as part of the rotation plan. However, trainees are encouraged to select 4-5 goals to focus on as part of a rotation.
There's no minimum requirement when submitting a rotation plan either. Trainees can submit a rotation plan without linking learning opportunities with the learning goals. They can return to the rotation plan and provide those details once they commence training in that rotation and have a better understanding of the opportunities available.

How do I manage blended rotations in the Training Management Platform (TMP)?

The TMP allows you to select only one rotation type. If a rotation contributes to multiple professional experiences (e.g., nights or subspecialty), trainees should use the position description or the comments field to specify how the rotation should be counted.

How are interruptions to training recorded?

Interruptions to training are recorded by submitting a rotation plan for the period of interruption. Interrupted training refers to any absence from training rotations lasting more than 8 consecutive weeks within a training year. This includes parental leave (maternity, paternity, or adoptive leave). Where possible, you should register your period of interruption with the RACP before it begins. Find out more here Interrupting or withdrawing from training.

Why do rotation plans need to be submitted by 28 February for the first six months of the year?

Submitting rotation plans by 28 February ensures the College has accurate information about your training status—whether you are a full-time or part-time trainee. This information is essential for generating accurate invoices and ensure trainees comply with the Progression Through Training Policy of prospectively applying for training.

Details such as your learning opportunities and changes to supervisors can be updated later if they change or once details are known.

Learning and observation captures

Who can act as an assessor for the observation capture?

A range of assessors can provide feedback and ratings in observation captures This may include Advanced Trainees, consultants and other medical professionals, allied health professionals, nursing staff, administrative staff and consumer representatives. The assessor does not need to be the assigned DPE or supervisor, nor does it need to be an RACP Fellow.

How do I submit my learning and assessment tools in 2025?

From the start of the 2025 clinical training year, trainees using the new curricula will submit their rotation plan, learning captures and observation captures through the TMP.

Can TMP pre-populate the 'Training Program Phase' in the observation capture and learning capture to avoid errors by trainees not familiar with new terminology for the phases?

Phase of training will be prepopulated in assessments. It will default to the current active phase for the trainee.

Are Learning and Observation captures pro-rated for trainees who are training for less than 12 months FTE?

Yes. Work-based learning and assessment tools are pro-rated to the amount of training for which the trainee has been approved. If a part-time trainee's phase (A phase is minimum 12 months total FTE) is across multiple clinical years, the trainee must complete all phase requirements before progressing into the next phase of training. See the RACP Flexible Training Policy for further information on part-time training (item 4.2.4).

Can observation captures be completed by the assessor on a trainee's device/log in?

Yes. Assessors can complete the observation capture on a trainee's device/log in. Questions for a trainee or assessor to respond to will be clearly marked. Once submitted, the assessor will receive a copy of the observation capture including responses as a record.

How will the assessment of observation captures be calibrated across varied assessors?

Assessors will use a 5-point rating scale based on the level of supervision that was needed. The assessor ratings have been worded in a way to be as objective as possible, based on the amount of supervision required. However, we understand that there may still be limitations and subjectivity in the assessment, which will be addressed by training and support resources.

How are the Professional Behaviour and Knowledge learning goals assessed in work-based assessments?

Professional Behaviours and Knowledge learning goals have their own assessor rating text which will display in the observation capture assessment tool on TMP.

How will non-RACP assessors' access and fill in the learning capture and observation capture if requested?

Non-RACP assessors or anyone not linked to the trainee as a supervisor will complete LCs and OCs via a webform that is emailed to them. This form will replicate the questions in TMP for each of these assessments but will allow assessors to provide a response without needing to create a RACP account or login.

What is the difference between the observation captures and EPAs? Will some EPAs be used more than once per phase?

The EPAs are part of the curriculum standards which are summarised into learning goals. The learning goals are assessed via the work-based assessments including the Observation Captures.

How many learning goals can I link to in an observation capture?

In the current version of the TMP, trainees will be able to select one primary learning goal for each observation capture.

What does the observation capture replace in the current PREP program?

The new observation capture assessment tool replaces other work-based assessments including mini-CEX and DOPS in the PREP program.

Will there be hardcopy assessment marking sheets available for supervisors to use during observed assessments?

While printable assessment forms (e.g., PDFs) aren't available, the Training Management Platform (TMP) offers a more flexible and streamlined approach.

The TMP is mobile-responsive, allowing both trainees and assessors to access the observation capture form directly on their devices during clinical activities, such as ward rounds, clinics, or meetings. Supervisors can view the marking criteria, provide feedback, and complete the assessment in real-time, all while observing the trainee’s performance.

This process ensures that both trainees and assessors have immediate access to completed assessments, making it easier to track progress and provide timely feedback. Once the assessment is finished, a copy is emailed to the assessor for confirmation and automatically updated in the trainee’s record.

This system reduces the need for paper forms and eliminates the duplication of effort in submitting assessments online, all while ensuring that supervisors can still provide thorough, accurate feedback during observed activities.

Progress reports

When will progress reports be available in TMP?

We expect the functionality for rotation and phase progress reports to be available in TMP by mid-2025.

Do all learning goals need to be rated in the progress reports?

Yes. All learning goals will need to be rated.

Is the number of progress reports pro-rated for trainees who are training for less than 12 months FTE?

No. Progress reports aren't pro-rated for part-time trainees. See the RACP Flexible Training Policy for further information on part-time training (item 4.2.5).

How can education supervisors and rotation supervisors be supported in recognising and managing trainees in difficulty in the new curricula?

The new curriculum standards and progression criteria provide explicit detail on what trainees will be assessed against and show a clear benchmark for trainee performance against the standards. Aggregated data from assessments provide richer evidence about trainee progress supported by recorded evidence to inform remediation activities and progression decisions. Supervisors will gain more immediate and holistic access to trainee records to assist with monitoring activities.

How is leave (e.g., annual leave, conference leave, sick leave) recorded in TMP?

Leave will be documented in the progress report when that is available in mid-2025. If leave in excess of 8 consecutive weeks is planned, trainees will need to submit an interruption rotation plan.

Progress Review Panels

When will Progress Review Panels be available on TMP?

The functionality to support Progress Review Panels is scheduled to be available in TMP from mid-2025. The College will work with Committees to determine what models may be applicable to the Training Program as different training contexts will require different Panel models. The operating model for how Panels will function will be kept flexible to allow for different needs.

Who will be on the Progress Review Panel and how often do they review trainee progress?

The composition of members of a panel will be kept flexible to allow Panels to ensure they have the representation and diversity that meets their local needs. The Panel should be chaired by a Fellow who has a strong understanding of the program and its requirements. For Basic Training, DPEs must be part of the Panel.

What is the role of the Education Supervisor (ES) on the Progress Review Panel?

Education Supervisors may have a varied role in relation to the Panel. Some may sit on the Panel while others may attend Panel meetings as a guest and update the Panel on how their trainees are progressing. This will be dependent on how the Panel would like to run their meetings.
Some ES's may have no interaction with the Panel, except to be advised of the progression and certification decisions for their trainee(s).

What role will committees who have oversight of training programs have when progress review panels are introduced?

Training Committees will retain their oversight of training programs and will remain the escalation body for any trainees who are recommended to be placed on the Training Support Pathway. Additionally, Progress Review Panels who have difficulty assessing a trainee against the progression criteria may refer the trainee to the Committee for decision. Regular reporting on Panel decisions will also be provided to the Committee.

Can a trainee progress between phases out of alignment with the clinical year?

Yes, trainees will be able to progress between phases outside of the clinical year alignment. Panels should meet at a minimum twice a year and at these meetings can prioritise decisions for those trainees who are due to or have recently completed their phase.

Interface with TSP. What is the interface of Progress Review Panels with the Training Support Pathway? That is, for trainees on TSP2, who makes the decision as to whether the trainee can progress onto the next phase. Is that done by the PRP or TSU? Or if the trainee is on TSP do they automatically not progress?

Progress Review Panels will work in conjunction with the Training Support Pathway. Currently, supervisors refer trainees to the Support Pathway via the overseeing Training Committee. This process will continue, with Panels referring trainees to the Committee for consideration to be placed on the pathway. Under the new curricula, supervisors can still directly refer trainees to the Support pathway via the Committee.

Professional experience

Are there any changes to professional experience/time-based requirements including core and non-core?

There are some specialties which introduced changes to the professional experience/time-based requirements for their program. Check the specialty Learning, Teaching, and Assessment program on eLearning to confirm.

How do I apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the new curricula programs?

If you'd like to apply for Recognition of Prior learning against the new curriculum standards, applications are to be submitted within 3 months of commencing training.

A Guide for Applications, FAQs and application form can be downloaded from the Recognition of Prior Learning page. Please ensure Appendix D is completed using the new curriculum standards.

Note: Advanced Trainees who commenced training in 2024 are now eligible to apply for RPL in relation to ATRPs within 6 months of commencing their first approved rotation in a RACP training program. 

See the RACP’s Recognition Prior Learning policy for more information.

Developmental & psychosocial training (Paediatrics & Child Health Division)

Developmental & psychosocial (D&P) training is a time-based requirement in the PREP training programs (Paediatrics & Child Health Division), consisting of a minimum of 6 months full-time equivalent (FTE) in one or more of the following areas:

  • Developmental/behavioural paediatrics
  • Community paediatrics
  • Disability/rehabilitation paediatrics
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry
  • Child protection
  • Palliative medicine

The College is working to redefine how D&P training will be embedded in the new training programs. This will include defining learning goals and offering new options for trainees to achieve them, which will be embedded in the Basic and Advanced Training programs.

New D&P requirements will be developed, and updates will be included in the relevant curricula and program handbooks. Trainees and supervisors will be informed with sufficient notice of any changes to ensure no disadvantage.

Alternative options for completing D&P training and a timeline for implementation will be communicated during 2025.

Until alternatives are available, it's important that trainees plan to complete the requirement for D&P training through one of the time-based options currently available, to ensure eligibility for admission to Fellowship on completion of the requirements of Advanced Training. Trainees must satisfactorily complete this requirement to be eligible for admission to Fellowship under the Paediatrics & Child Health Division.

Trainees can fulfill the D&P training requirement by completing one of the following options during either Basic or Advanced Training. Each option must be prospectively approved:

Option A: A prospectively approved psychosocial training position (6 months full-time equivalent).
This can be completed as:
  • 2 x 3-month terms, or
  • 1 x 6-month block, or 
  • a continuous part-time position, such as 2.5 days a week for 12 months

Note: a conglomerate of experience for shorter time periods adding up to 6 months will not be accepted.

Option B: A prospectively approved rural position (6 months full-time equivalent).

Complete 6 months of training with a documented weekly program in the psychosocial training areas, under appropriate supervision.

Option C: Attendance at a prospectively-approved clinic AND completion of an approved learning module.

The D&P training requirement can be completed in one of these formats:

  • 2 x sessions a week for 18 months, or
  • 1 x session a week for 3 years
Approved learning modules for option C
  • Evidence of attendance at a lecture series at a recognised institution, related to the D&P Training areas.
  • 3 x referenced case reports/essays demonstrating comprehensive understanding of 3 different issues in the areas of psychosocial training – for example rehabilitation or community paediatrics (1500 to 2000 words each).
  • Completion of the Griffith Mental Developmental Scales course.

Other prospectively approved modules may be considered.

What about exams? Are the eligibility criteria for sitting the DWE changing i.e. is it still 24 months training time? Or is the decision about eligibility made by the Progress Review Panel?

Exam eligibility is not changing and outlined on the exams webpage under 'Apply' tab - Divisional Written Examination | RACP

Under the new curriculum, Basic Trainees will be eligible to sit the DWE once they have completed their Consolidation phase of training.


What is a Training Program Coordinator?

The Training Program Coordinator (TPC) role is a TMP role which supports the DPE. Setting TPCs will have oversight of trainees within the setting, and network TPCs will be able to see all trainees within the network. Access will be determined locally, and DPEs can request access for these individuals. In a setting context, individuals who have a TPC role could include Education Support Officers and admin support staff.

Will there be changes to the Supervisor Progressional Development Program (SPDP) requirements for supervisor accreditation?

At present there are no changes to the SPDP workshop or requirements for supervisor accreditation. An evaluation of the SPDP program has recently been conducted and there are plans to revise the program in response to the feedbackIn the meantime, the focus is on just-in-time and access-on-demand resources for supervisors to support implementation of the new training curricula.

Will completion of the training resources be mandatory for supervisors?

No. At this stage, completion of the training resources for the new curricula and TMP won't be mandatory for supervisors.

Do Professional Development Advisors exist in the supervision structure in the new curricula? Does this reduce the options for formal mentorship with non-FRACP consultants?

Professional Development Advisors don't exist in the supervision structure for the new curricula. Trainees can seek informal mentorship if they wish but it's not a training requirement.

I'm a DPE, when will I be able to see 'My Trainees' in the TMP portal?

Network/setting DPE roles are set up in TMP and directly linked to their relevant training program settings. DPEs will have access to trainees' records via 'My Trainees' in the menu bar, as long as there is a current or future rotation plan submitted for the relevant setting(s).

Dual Training

Can I double-count assessments if I’m dual training with a PREP curriculum and a new curriculum in 2024?

Yes. If you’re a first year trainee enrolled in one of the 6 new curricula in 2024 you’re completing transitional requirements, including existing PREP work-based assessments.

PREP work-based assessments aren’t linked to any specialty curricula, which is why dual training in 2024 will continue to allow you to double-count an assessment towards more than one specialty. You’re still required to meet the minimum requirements for both programs.

The assessment tools planned for the new curricula directly link to the specialty learning goals for the program.

Dual training guidelines will be updated in 2025 for trainees undertaking dual training with a PREP curriculum and new curriculum.

Training and support

Who do I contact if I have questions about the new curricula or TMP?

Contact us and we'll direct your enquiry to the relevant staff member.

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