The AFPHM Training Committee (FTC) provides advice and support to the AFPHM Education Committee (FEC) on teaching and learning matters relevant to public health medicine trainees.
The FTC oversees regional processes for recruitment, training, career development and support of public health medicine trainees. It's comprised of Regional Education Coordinators (REC) who are the main contact for trainees in their jurisdiction and approve training plans and supervisor reports.
The FTC promotes consistency in application of policies and procedures at a national and regional level, including supervision, monitoring trainee progress and readiness for assessment, mentoring and educational programs.
Read the Faculty Training Committee — Public Health Medicine Terms of Reference (PDF).
Dr Greg Stewart, Chair and New South Wales REC
Dr Bronwen Harvey, Deputy Chair and Australian Capital Territory REC
Dr Mavis Duncanson, Aotearoa New Zealand REC
Dr Danielle Esler, Northern Territory REC
Dr Penelope Fotheringham, New South Wales REC
Dr Penny Hutchison, Queensland REC
Dr Matthew McConnell, South Australia REC
Dr Simon Crouch, Victoria REC
Dr Jelena Maticevic, Western Australia REC
Dr Annaliese van Diemen, Tasmania/Victoria REC
Dr Ellie Woodward, Trainee representative
Dr Elly Layton, Trainee representative