Supervisor Voices Survey

The Supervisor Voices Survey is now closed.  Thank you to the more than 600 supervisors who shared their insights. Explore survey findings through the summary report below. 


The survey is an important opportunity for supervisors and educational leaders to share their feedback on recent experiences, challenges and needs. It explores topics including workload, access to protected and allocated time, capacity, and wellbeing. These first-hand insights help shape future support and advocacy efforts. 

2024 Key survey findings

Explore key findings through the 2024 Supervisor Voices Survey Summary Report (PDF)

While supervisors feel they continue to deliver high-quality clinical and educational supervision, the survey highlighted several challenges they face, including:

  • high workloads and growing supervisory expectations
  • a critical need for dedicated time to fulfill supervisory duties
  • a desire for greater recognition of their contributions to training
  • a lack of formal feedback on supervisory performance
  • the need for easily accessible and concise College resources

The survey also revealed ongoing wellbeing concerns with:

  • 1 in 4 supervisors reporting experiences of bullying, harassment, or discrimination
  • nearly 2 in 5 supervisors experiencing burnout symptoms or being completely burned out

Overall, satisfaction with supervisory and educational leadership roles has declined compared to previous years. 

How are we responding?

We’re using these insights to shape our services and advocacy efforts, with a particular focus on:

  • advocating for protected time for supervision in discussions with jurisdictions
  • enhancing support for supervisors by providing concise resources, timely assistance, and clear role expectations
  • addressing high rates of bullying, harassment, and discrimination in training settings
  • improving recognition of supervisors’ contributions from both the College and workplaces
  • exploring a formal feedback process to support supervisors’ development
  • providing ongoing opportunities for supervisors to share their experiences to track trends in satisfaction and assess the impact of services and supports provided

These results will help us improve our Supervisor Professional Development Program and provide baseline data ahead of upcoming curriculum and accreditation renewal initiatives.


Eligible participants included current supervisors or those who have supervised a trainee in an RACP program in 2024 in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand and have acted in 1 or more of the following roles:

  • Clinical Supervisor
  • Rotation Supervisor
  • Educational Supervisor
  • Advanced Training Supervisor (including Chapter/Faculty supervisor)
  • Training Program Director (such as Director of Paediatric/Physician Education and Directors of Advanced Training)
  • Network Training Program Director 


Responses were anonymous and confidential. Results are de-identified and reported in aggregate to ensure that individual participants can't be identified.

Participant wellbeing

This survey may raise sensitive issues.

If you need support, the RACP Support Program is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. This free, fully confidential and independent helpline is provided by Converge International and available to all RACP members. To make an appointment or speak with a consultant, call 1300 687 327 (Australia) or 0800 666 367 (Aotearoa New Zealand).

Our Wellbeing section has links to other support services and available tools. 

Survey Enquiries 

Contact us if you have any questions.

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