Supervisor Support and Resources
About Supervision at the RACP
The Supervisor Handbook
The Supervisor Handbook provides a useful overview of the role of a supervisor, as well as practical tips, tools and strategies to implement within your practice.
Educational Leadership and Supervision Framework
The RACP Framework recognises the skills and professionalism of educators, and clearly articulates the expectation of excellence in training delivery and outcomes.
Supervisor Self Reflection and Peer Review Tool and resources
These resources support your continuing professional development as a supervisor. They can be used to support your completion of the Supervisor Self-Reflection and Peer Review tool.
Teaching and learning resources
Online Learning Resources@RACP
Online educational courses relating to supervision include: Training support, Telesupervision, Physician Self-Care and Wellbeing and Creating a safe workplace.
Curated Collection: Teaching
A collection of resources and professional development tools based on the contributions and peer review of RACP Fellows and other experts.
Pomegranate Health - Episode 7: The Art of Supervision
Our guests explore how the role of the supervisor has changed over time (as well as where the role ends), the skills needed for a good supervisor, and some suggestions on how to deliver constructive criticism.
Support for physician educators
Physician Health and Wellbeing
Our vision is a stronger community of doctors supported by the RACP and employers, that nurtures the health and wellbeing of doctors and their families.
Training Support
The RACP Training support Unit works closely with trainees, supervisors and College committees to coordinate support for trainees experiencing difficulties.
Support Helpline
Confidential, 24-hour, seven-days-per-week helpline for members, run by our partner Converge International.