Research foci
Through an extensive process of consultation and reflection the College has identified five key research foci which will be our priorities.
1. Clinical research
The National Institutes of Health defines 'clinical research' as research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens and cognitive phenomena) for which an investigator (or colleague) directly interacts with human subjects. The College’s Fellows, members and trainees are all credentialed medical practitioners so it is appropriate that research focused on human subjects is a priority.
It is recognised that many College Fellows conduct basic and laboratory research and the Research Committee's focus on clinical research should not be seen to detract from the importance of basic research efforts. Indeed, Fellows should consider clinical research projects that build on the excellent basic research across Australia’s MRI’s, universities and hospitals.
Strategic objective |
To encourage and support College members, trainees and Fellows to conduct high quality clinical research throughout their careers. |
Outcomes |
Priority actions, initiatives and timing |
More and higher quality research projects funded.
Greater numbers of physicians engaged in research across their career span.
Research embedded in all levels of training and practice.
Improved research literacy among physicians.
Members and Fellows better able to interpret and apply research results.
Strengthened research networks.
Funding leveraged. |
Alignment of all College Foundation research funding including bespoke grants and scholarships.
Nominal allocation of all current College awards (Grants, Scholarships and Fellowships) against one of the four research foci.
Further development of award structure with particular focus on research and trainees.
Identification of interdisciplinary and cutting-edge activities.
Note: The above initiatives are dependent on future fundraising success. |
2. Early career researchers
It is increasingly difficult for clinicians to establish and maintain a research career and it has been noted around the world that the “clinician-researcher” is a dying breed. In addition, there is a growing shortage of academic clinicians.
Our focus will be on supporting early career researchers to establish and develop their research careers during and following completion of higher degree research training.The current Research Establishment Fellowships are in alignment with this objective. Support may include practitioner researcher support for stipend and project costs including travel. The College will continue to offer a range of research entry scholarships for those undertaking research higher degrees (Masters, PhD or other equivalent research higher degrees) but as a lesser priority.
Strategic objective |
To support and enable early career researchers to establish and develop a sustainable research career and to encourage health services employers to creatively resource the role of the clinician-researcher. |
Outcomes |
Priority actions, initiatives and timing |
Greater number of funded research positions and scholarships for early career physicians.
Protected time for more physician researchers.
Increased leverage for College financial support.
More researchers able to establish a post PhD research career.
Closer, productive relationships with research funders such as NHMRC, MRFF and research providers including universities and medical research institutes. |
Ensure alignment with NHMRC and other key funding bodies.
MoUs with key disease charities and other funders.
Establish close alignment with University MD programs and U/G medical programs with a research component.
Encourage ATCs that no longer permit a year of doctoral research training during Advanced Training to reconsider in light of deleterious consequences for training research leaders in their subspecialty.
Networking – mention research training and forum. |
3. Education methodology research
The College is a large scale provider of highly targeted professional education and training. It is therefore essential that our programs have an academically defensible underpinning based on evidence. There is, however, a paucity of research in this field. Our efforts in this area of research will focus on building a high quality evidence base for effective and efficient physician training and re-validation in line with the College education strategies.
It is also essential that we invest in capacity building to ensure we have available a sustainable pool of world-class adult education researchers. It is likely that this focus area will be conducive to research partnership funding applications such as ARC Linkage grants.
Strategic objective |
To promote and foster research in educational methodology that informs the College’s educational role to ensure that the College’s education and training programs are based on the best possible academic evidence. |
Outcomes |
Priority actions, initiatives and timing |
Better understanding of how physicians learn most effectively.
A defensible body of academic evidence to underpin program structure, curricula and learning approaches.
Evidence-based best practice approaches embedded in all the College programs.
Enhanced and sustainable medical education research capacity in Australia and overseas.
More effective programs for trainees and re-validation processes for Fellows. |
Establish joint educational methodology research priorities with the College Education Committee.
Establish RFP process for education methodology research. |
4. Health Services and Health Systems Research
Physicians have a clear role to play in providing valuable perspectives on the organisation and delivery of health services. The health sector must become more adept at driving innovation and change more quickly through health practice in a safe and cost effective manner. It is recognised that health services and health systems research is a very broad area including population health and implementation research.
Strategic objective |
To enhance the capacity of physicians to conduct high quality research in health services, health systems, population health and implementation research that has a positive impact on health systems, patient and community wellbeing. |
Outcomes |
Priority actions, initiatives and timing |
More physicians conducting and participating in high quality health services, systems and population research
Enhanced capacity of Physicians to lead and facilitate innovation and improvements in health system, service and population health.
Improved patient and population health outcomes.
Faster and safer uptake of research outcomes and innovation.
Strengthen research networks and collaboration.
Stronger relationships between the College and health services.
Increased comparative research between Australia and New Zealand health systems and populations. |
Develop environmental scanning processes to ensure the College is well positioned to respond to key government research policy or funding initiatives in Australia and New Zealand. |
5. Research in College Priority Areas
The College Board sets the long term strategic priorities of the RACP. Included in the priority areas for 2019-2023 are the ‘First 1000 Days’ and Indigenous health. It is important to bring a research focus to these priority areas.
Plan implementation, governance, communications and administrative support
Strategic objective |
To provide the necessary implementation planning, governance frameworks and administrative support to ensure that the strategic plan priorities and initiatives are efficiently and effectively implemented across all of the Colleges activities and with key partners. |
Outcomes |
Priority actions, initiatives and timing |
Awareness of the Research Plan across all key College bodies.
Clear and effective internal College governance and decision-making frameworks.
Sustainable funding for the research strategy.
Alignment with College Foundation and Education committee.
Strong awareness externally of the College’s strategy and position on key health and medical research issues.
The College is seen as a reliable, independent, evidence-based voice and source of policy and strategy solutions for health and medical research. |
Presentation of strategic plan to RACP Board.
Progress a formal communication plan to internal and external partners following release of Research Strategy. |