Ramazzini Prize

Abstract submissions are due 31 January, every year.

The Ramazzini Prize is awarded annually for the best scientific paper related to Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) presented by an Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) trainee.

The primary purpose of the Ramazzini presentation is to assess trainees on their presentation and communication skills in the context of presenting research to a scientific audience.

All AFOEM trainees must present a paper for the Ramazzini Prize at least once during their Advanced Training to meet eligibility requirements for Fellowship.

The Prize is named after the late Bernardino Ramazzini, an Italian physician considered to be the founder of occupational and industrial medicine. In 1700, Ramazzini wrote the first important book on occupational diseases and industrial hygiene called ‘De Morbis Artificum Diatriba’ (Diseases of Workers). His studies of occupational diseases and his advocacy of workers’ protection measures encouraged the eventual passing of of laws for factory safety and workers' compensation.

jane-muirDr Jane Muir | 2024 recipient

Dr Jane Muir is an advanced trainee in Occupational and Environmental Medicine and works in occupational medicine consultancy at both 4cRisk and International SOS in Sydney, NSW.

Jane graduated from Brighton and Sussex Medical School in the UK with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 2010 and emigrated to Australia after completion of her internship. She obtained her Graduate Diploma in Occupational and Environmental health from Monash University in 2021 and is currently undertaking her research project on silicosis in a cohort of tunnellers under her care in Sydney.


You must be:

  • a registered AFOEM trainee
  • have submitted your Advanced Training Research Project by 31 January in the same year that you plan to make your presentation

View the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Advanced Training Program handbook for more information on research and presentation requirements.


The successful prize recipient is awarded AUD$750 and a certificate.

The prize recipient will also be invited to present at the Kevin Sleigh Memorial Presentation at the ANZSOM Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), including travel and accommodation to the ASM if it’s an in-person event.


Read the terms and conditions and abstract guidelines before you submit.

Submissions for the current year close on 31 January, every year.

Email your abstract along with an application form (DOC) to OccEnvMed@racp.edu.au

The College's Conflicts Of Interest Policy (PDF) and Privacy Policy apply to all prize applicants and the recipient.

Selection process

The abstract is reviewed by one or more Fellows of the AFOEM against the requisite standard and guidelines.

Authors of abstracts that meet the criteria will be invited to present as part of the RACP Congress.

Presentations are to be 15 minutes maximum in length, including question time.

A Judging Panel will adjudicate presenters on their:

  • general presentation skills
  • ability to communicate OEM ideas and principles to peers
  • ability to answer questions related to OEM in a public forum of peers

For more information about the Ramazzini Prize, contact us.

Related content

Occupational and Environmental Medicine Advanced Training Program handbook
Past prize recipients
Division, Faculty and Chapter Awards and Prizes

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