What are the intended benefits of the change?
There are a range of expected stakeholder benefits of the new structure.
Through reduced complexity and bureaucracy, and improved transparency, clarity and responsivity, our trainees and Fellows will receive quicker and more robust decisions and responses to applications, certifications, approvals, and enquiries on education matters.
Our education and training committees will be enabled by the structure to provide high quality training program experience to trainees in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. Clear, documented delegations and guidelines for decision-making will inform them when and how they should seek further approval, recommend program, or policy changes, and escalate risks and issues. Operational workload will be reduced through expanded staff delegations, allowing our committees to focus on matters requiring Member expertise.
The Board and the College Education Committee will also have improved visibility of the education committee activities, emerging issues and risks in education, and robust decision-making processes, as required by our regulators and desired by our members.
With a revised structure and expanded delegations, the RACP staff will be empowered to respond to member enquiries and applications and to support education and training committees more effectively.