RACP Framework for improving person-centred care and consumer engagement
Patient centred care
Patient centred care is an approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care providers, patients, families and communities. It redefines the relationships in health care.
Principles of patient centred care
- There is strong evidence in the literature supporting the benefits of patient centred care.
- There is increased physician commitment to patient centred care and associated competencies.
- There are changing expectations from community and regulatory bodies around consumer engagement and patient centred care.
- There is an opportunity for the College to improve its community connection and credibility.
Improving person-centred care and consumer engagement
What is person-centred care?
Person-centred care helps meet the aims of improving healthcare safety, quality and coordination, and quality of life. It respects the preferences, needs, and values the individual’s health and life goals.
In Australia, the Australasian College of Nursing published a position statement on Person-Centred Care(PDF) that provides the following definition:
Person-centred care means:
- treating each person as an individual
- protecting a person’s dignity
- respecting a person’s rights and preferences
developing a therapeutic relationship between the care provider and care recipient which is built on mutual trust and understanding
RACP framework for improving patient centred care and consumer engagement (PDF)