
CAG communiqués

The Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) communiqués cover key activities throughout the year as they continue to increase awareness for the consumer view in the College’s work.

Recognising strong evidence that patient centred care and consumer engagement contribute to important benefits for patients and carers, physicians, as well as to organisations, the Board established the CAG in 2018 to represent the broad views of the community in the work of the College. 


CAG Communiqué June 2024

Recognising strong evidence that patient centred care and consumer engagement contribute to important benefits for patients and carers, physicians, as well as to organisations, the Board established the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) in 2018 to represent the broad views of the community in the work of the College.

The CAG last met on Thursday, 20 June 2024 via Zoom.

Membership Update

Following the completion of maximum terms for two consumer representatives and resignations from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumer representative and physician member, the CAG is recruiting for new members. An expression of interest for a Physician Member is now open. Members are encouraged to promote and share these among networks. Expressions of interest close on 31 July 2024.

The CAG extended its thanks to Ms Debra Letica, Dr Henry Ko, Ms Tania Brown, and Dr Tony Mylius AM for the time, energy, and commitment given during their respective terms.


The CAG continues to provide input into internal and external consultations, with four requests received to date. We welcome the opportunity to assist all areas of the College in its work and are only too happy to come along to College body meetings to discuss the role of consumer advocates.

Engaging with CAG

The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies and looks forward to inviting Chairs of key committees to our meetings to learn more about College activities and how, as consumers and carers, we can work together to improve the care for patients across our two countries. If you would like a member of CAG to present and update your committee/group, please reach out to the email address below to connect with the secretariat.

Next CAG Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 29 August 2024. Please reach out to the CAG secretariat via consumers@racp.edu.au if you would like to engage with us.

CAG Communiqué February 2024 

The following Communiqué highlights the key topics discussed as part of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, Thursday, 15 February 2024 via Zoom.

Membership Update

Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumer representative, Tania Brown, resigned from the CAG after the February meeting and in May, two CAG members will have completed their maximum terms. Debra Letica (FRACP (Hon)) and Dr Henry Ko were founding members of CAG when it was first established in 2018. Both have thrown themselves into supporting College activities and providing a valuable consumer lens to many discussions. Our thanks go to all three for their advocacy skills.

Expressions of interest for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander consumer representative and two consumer representatives are open. Members are encouraged to promote and share these among networks. Expressions of interest close on 15 March 2024.

Engaging with CAG

The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies and looks forward to inviting Chairs of key committees to our meetings to learn more about College activities and how, as consumers and carers, we can work together to improve the care for patients across our two countries.

Next CAG meeting

The next CAG meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 20 June 2024. Please reach out to the CAG secretariat via consumers@racp.edu.au if you would like to engage with us.

Dr Tony Mylius                                  Debra Letica
Physician Co-chair, CAG                 Consumer Co-Chair, CAG


CAG Communiqué November 2023

The following Communiqué highlights the key topics discussed as part of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, held on Thursday 30 November 2023.

Policy & Advocacy Consultations

The CAG continues to provide input into internal and external consultations, with 13 requests received during 2023. We welcome the opportunity to assist all areas of the College in its work and are only too happy to come along to College body meetings to discuss the role of consumer advocates.

Health Care for People Who Need Extra Support Update

Current CAG consumer representative, Dr Rachel Skoss, presented the outcome of her research project earlier in 2023, “Health service use for people with disability living in supported accommodation – an intervention to improve health literacy in disability service organisations”. The project resulted in the development of a health literacy guide to support the health of people with a cognitive impairment or intellectual disability and broader project. The guide was funded by a Western Australia Department of Health Research Translation Project grant. Webinars are being scheduled shortly to promote the Health Literacy Guide and will be shared amongst College Committees.

Engaging with CAG

Members of CAG have been busy presenting to College bodies on the role of consumer advocates and the CAG. The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies interested in learning more about how we, as consumers and carers, can work together to improve the care of patients across our two countries. If you would like a member of CAG to present and update your committee/group, please reach out to the email address below to connect with the secretariat.

Please contact the CAG if you have any contributions or ideas that will assist the group at consumers@racp.edu.au.

Next CAG Meeting

Our next CAG meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 15 February 2024.

Dr Tony Mylius                                  Debra Letica
Physician Co-chair, CAG                 Consumer Co-Chair, CAG

CAG Communiqué August 2023

The following Communiqué highlights the key topics discussed as part of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, held on Thursday 24 August 2023.

Co-Chair awarded the Honorary Fellowship of the RACP (FRACP (Hon))

Ms Debra LeticaDebra Letica

At its June 2023 meeting, the RACP Board approved the award of Honorary Fellowship of the RACP (FRACP (Hon)) to CAG Co-Chair, Ms Debra Letica. The Award of Honorary Fellowship is a prestigious appointment made by the RACP Board. It is awarded to distinguished or renowned members of the medical profession and other respected and acclaimed individuals.

Recipients are nominated by a Fellow or Fellows of the College, with the nominations being supported by a relevant College Board Committee. All nominations are referred to the College's Fellowship Committee for review. Once reviewed, the Fellowship Committee makes a recommendation to the Board for approval.

Ms Letica has been the Co-Chair of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) since May 2018, she sits on several other College and external bodies. In April 2018, Ms Letica received a Health Consumer Excellence Award for her commitment to improving health outcomes and patient experience. She has a strong interest in reducing health disparities and integrated care for people with disabilities, building collaborative teams and improving the health system.

The CAG congratulates Deb on this honour and looks forward to this being conferred in due course.

Engaging with CAG

Members of CAG have been busy presenting to College bodies on the role of consumer advocates and the CAG. The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies interested in learning more about how we, as consumers and carers, can work together to improve the care of patients across our two countries.

If you would like a member of CAG to present and update your committee/group, please reach out to the email address below to connect with the secretariat. Please contact the CAG if you have any contributions or ideas that will assist the group at consumers@racp.edu.au.

Next CAG meeting

Our next CAG meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 16 November 2023.

Dr Tony Mylius
Physician Co-chair, CAG

CAG Communiqué May 2023

The following Communiqué highlights the key topics discussed as part of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, held on Thursday 18 May 2023.

Policy & Advocacy Consultations

The CAG continues to provide input into internal and external consultations, with eight requests received to date. We welcome the opportunity to assist all areas of the College in its work and are only too happy to come along to College body meetings to discuss the role of consumer advocates.

Welcome to our new CAG member

We have been fortunate to have a strong group of core consumer/carers since the formation of the CAG; however, as time moves on, some of our members have had too as well. Following an expression of interest (EOI) process to appoint a new consumer representative, we are pleased to announce and introduce our new CAG member.

Ms Jodi Adamsjodi adams

Jodi is a consumer representative with the National Register of Palliative Care Consumers and Carers. She is an active member in several advisory groups in the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne. Jodi has a role as a volunteer Peer Support Leader for her eastern metropolitan SWAN (Syndromes Without a Name) families, facilitating social gatherings for caregivers and families. Jodi has extensive lived experience with her daughter who had a rare life limiting condition across a range of healthcare settings including Complex Care and Palliative Care.

Jodi participated in an interview sharing her personal story for the Australian Paediatric Palliative Conference in 2022. She is an advocate for supporting the whole family when their child has ongoing medical needs and is passionate about improving accessibility to services and support for carers and their families, particularly those under palliative care and continued beyond in bereavement.

Engaging with CAG

Members of CAG have been busy presenting to College bodies on the role of consumer advocates and the CAG. The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies interested in learning more about how we, as consumers and carers, can work together to improve the care of patients across our two countries.

If you would like a member of CAG to present and update your committee/group, please reach out to the email address below to connect with the secretariat. Please contact the CAG if you have any contributions or ideas that will assist the group at consumers@racp.edu.au.

Next CAG meeting

Our next CAG meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 24 August 2023.

Dr Tony Mylius                                  Debra Letica
Physician Co-chair, CAG                 Consumer Co-Chair, CAG


CAG Communiqué November 2022

The following Communiqué highlights the key topics discussed as part of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, held on Thursday 17 November 2022 (via Zoom).

The CAG was advised that Ms Lynda Whiteway had stepped down from the Group and expressed their thanks for the contributions and experience she brought to the meetings. An expression of interest for a new consumer representative will be posted in the new year.

College Research Committee Update

The CAG received an update on from the College Research Committee (CRC), including its current activities and priorities. The CAG was pleased to note that consumer representation is welcomed on the CRC.

Health Care for People Who Need Extra Support Update

Current CAG consumer representative, Dr Rachel Skoss, presented the outcome of her research project, “Health service use for people with disability living in supported accommodation – an intervention to improve health literacy in disability service organisations”. The project resulted in the development of a health literacy guide to support the health of people with a cognitive impairment or intellectual disability and broader project. The guide was funded by a Western Australia Department of Health Research Translation Project grant.

Engaging with CAG

The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies and looks forward to inviting Chairs of key committees to our meetings to learn more about College activities and how we, as consumers and carers, can work together to improve the care for patients across our two countries.

Next CAG meeting

Our next CAG meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 16 February 2023 (via Zoom).

Please contact the CAG if you have any contributions or ideas that will assist the group at consumers@racp.edu.au

Dr Tony Mylius                                  Debra Letica
Physician Co-chair, CAG                 Consumer Co-Chair, CAG

CAG Communiqué August 2022

The following Communiqué highlights the key topics discussed as part of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, held on Thursday 25 August 2022 (via Zoom).

Welcome to our new CAG members

We have been fortunate to have a strong group of core consumer/carers since the formation of the CAG; however, as time moves on, some of our members have had too as well. Following an expression of interest (EOI) process to appoint a new Physician Co-Chair, we are pleased to announce and introduce our new CAG member.

Dr Anthony Mylius AM, Physician Co-ChairDr Anthony Mylius

Dr Tony Mylius AM BMBS FRACP FCSANZ FCHSM is a Cardiologist and Consultant Physician. He has worked in Clinical Cardiology for well over 25 years previously in Adelaide and New Zealand, and now in Western Australia since 2003, predominantly in regional and rural practice.

Tony is motivated by his passion to work to achieve improved health outcomes for patients across the health system. He has a desire to optimise health service performance through supporting and empowering health consumers, as well as clinicians and other health care providers, to achieve those best practice goals.

He was Co-Chair (with Professor Nick Buckmaster) of the Integrated Care Working Group of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) Health Reform Reference Group which developed the Model of Chronic Care Management endorsed by the RACP. Tony is a member of the RACP WA State Committee and has served in other roles including as a member of the College Policy and Advocacy Executive Committee and Health Reform Reference Group. He has continuing involvement with the WA Country Health Service in strategic planning around health service provision and regional cardiology services.

In 2020 Tony was awarded the Order of Australia for ‘Significant service to community health, and to cardiology.” From 2010-2013 he worked as Regional Medical Director for the WA Country Health Service (Wheatbelt) and was a member of the WA Department of Health Cardiovascular Health Network’s Executive Advisory Group 2012 to 2019. In 2015 Tony was appointed Clinical Co-Lead of the Cardiovascular Health Network in the WA Health Department. In 2017 he was appointed a member of the Clinical Senate of WA. He previously taught medical students as Medical Coordinator in the Rural Clinical School of WA.

Update on the Evolve Strategy 2022–2026

The Manager, Policy and Advocacy provided the CAG with an update on the draft Evolve 2022–2026 Strategy, noting that consumers are an important stakeholder in health system advocacy. GPs and specialists often cite patient expectations as a major driver of low-value care. The CAG met with the Evolve team in 2019 and 2020 to discuss areas for consumer involvement in the program. The key area that has been identified has been incorporating the consumer perspective into resources on the importance of shared decision making to reduce low-value practices and involvement in any work on equity and low-value care. The CAG looks forward to a further update once the Evolve 2022–2026 Strategy has been finalised.

Accreditation Renewal Program Update

The Manager, Training Accreditation Services provided the CAG with an update on the implementation of the accreditation renewal program. The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies and looks forward to inviting Chairs of key committees to our meetings to learn more about College activities and how we, as consumers and carers, can work together to improve the care for patients across our two countries.

Next CAG meeting

Our next CAG meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 17 November 2022 (via Zoom).

Please contact the CAG if you have any contributions or ideas that will assist the group at consumers@racp.edu.au

Dr Tony Mylius                                  Debra Letica
Physician Co-chair, CAG                 Consumer Co-Chair, CAG

CAG Communiqué May 2022

The following Communiqué highlights the key topics discussed as part of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, held on Thursday 26 May 2022.

The Co-Chair welcomed our two new members to the CAG, the meeting opened with a round table introduction by all. It was the first time since the pandemic that the CAG has been able to meet face to face.

Welcome to our new CAG members

We have been fortunate to have a strong group of core consumer/carers since the formation of the CAG; however, as time moves on, some of our members have had too as well. Following an expression of interest (EOI) process to appoint new consumer representatives, we are pleased to announce and introduce our new CAG members.

Lynda Whiteway, consumer representative (SA)lynda-whiteway-headshot

Lynda (Lyn) is a health consumer advocate sitting on State, National and International committees. She is also involved in the research sector and is a Consumer Advisory Board member at FHMRI (Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute), CAC Member at The George Institute, and Consumer Representative on the Global Steering Committee of the SNAP (Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Trial). She believes consumer's health literacy is as important as consumer directed care and works with her peers to ensure this is embedded in all aspects of health care.

Tania Brown, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander representative (NSW)tania-brown-headshot

Tania was born and raised in Canberra, Ngunawal and Ngambri country, and is a proud descendent from the Wonnarua Nation, Hunter Valley NSW. Tania has worked within Aboriginal Affairs for over 29 years and is committed to working towards prevention and better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and working towards eliminating the health disparities within Australia's mainstream health services and advocating for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services.

Update from the Kids Covid Catch Up Campaign Update

The Manager, Policy & Advocacy provided CAG with an update on the Kids COVID Catch Up Campaign, which evolved from the RACP Child Health Advocacy Strategy 2022–25. The key focus areas of the campaign include:

  1. Strengthening whole-of-government planning and accountability for child health outcomes.
  2. Promoting healthy relationships: parental, child and adolescent mental health.
  3. Enhancing access to quality early childhood education.
  4. Promoting healthy nutrition and oral health.

Education Renewal Update

The Acting Executive General Manager, Education, Learning and Assessment provided the CAG with an update on the RACP Education Renewal Program. The education renewal program of work comprises a series of significant interrelated projects that will be delivered over coming years, the update provided included:

  1. entry into training
  2. Indigenous initiatives
  3. curricula renewal
  4. re-implementation of Computer-Based Testing (CBT)
  5. trainee resources including the College Learning Series (CLS)
  6. supervisor training
  7. accreditation renewal

Next CAG meeting

  • Thursday, 25 August 2022 (via Zoom)

The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies and look forward to inviting Chairs of key committees to our meetings to learn more about College activities and how we, as consumers and carers, can work together to improve the care for patients across our two countries.

Debra Letica
Consumer Co-chair, CAG

CAG Communiqué February 2022

The following Communiqué highlights the key topics discussed as part of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) meeting, held on Thursday 24 February 2022.

Welcome to our new CAG members

We have been fortunate to have a strong group of core consumer/carers since the formation of the CAG; however, as time moves on, some of our members have had too as well. Following an expression of interest (EOI) process to appoint new consumer representatives, we are pleased to announce and introduce our new CAG members.

Rachel Skoss, consumer representativerachel-skoss-cag

Rachel is a researcher of health services, with a focus on building health literacy in consumers and caregivers, and how health services can better meet the needs of people with disability. She is a passionate advocate for people with intellectual disability. Rachel's understanding of the interface between health, mental health, and disability sectors comes from lived experience parenting a child with disability, and from various governance and committee roles in those sectors.

Zehnab Vayani, consumer representative

Zehnab has a passionate commitment in working collectively with others to improve healthcare in Queensland. She has a keen interest in, and advocates for, healthcare services being more accessible, holistically focused, and better integrated around the needs of health consumers and their families by actively taking a social determinants of health focus that is informed by her own family lived experience of complex health care across a number of care settings. She is a champion for co-designed innovation in healthcare that balances ethical considerations around health consumer and career human rights, quality, safety, and accessible information to inform advances in personalised healthcare and medicine. Outside of her studies and health consumer roles she is a mother of two girls and lives with her family on the Gold Coast. Zehnab is an actively engaged health and consumer advocate.

Physician Co-chair

The CAG is a unique College body being comprised largely of non-members. There is one position for a physician Fellow to be the Co-chair. If you are interested in this, please complete the EOI available on the College’s Expressions of Interest webpage.

Update from the College Education Committee

The Chair of the College Education Committee (CEC), Associate Professor Mitra Guha, provided CAG with an overview of the CEC and its activities. CAG was informed that trainees are equipped with the tools to deal with a variety of patients (e.g., culturally and linguistically diverse, LGQTI+) who will challenge their ideas as practitioners. There is a need to ensure that trainees are sufficiently trained, prepared, resourced.

Next CAG meeting

  • Thursday, 26 May 2022 (face to face, Sydney office)

The CAG is committed to working with the College and College bodies and look forward to inviting Chairs of key committees to our meetings to learn more about College activities and how we, as consumers and carers, can work together to improve the care for patients across our two countries.

Debra Letica
Consumer Co-chair, CAG

The Importance of Liquid Pain Relief to Ensure Patients are Comfortable

August 2023

A story from Nine News was published in July, featuring comments from Jodi Adams (Cosette’s mum, member of PCA Consumers Register, CAG member RACP) personal experience regarding the importance of accessing Ordine when her daughter Cosette was under end-of-life care.

Read the article at 9news.com.au

Migrants with strong connections overseas have a different view of COVID

September 2021

Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) member, Hamza Vayani speaks with the Consumers Health Forum of Australia about Migrants with strong connections overseas have a different view of COVID and how communities are at the heart of Australia’s COVID response.

Debra Letica discusses health literacy on NPS MedicineWise podcast

July 2021

Health consumer advocate and CAG Co-Chair, Debra Letica recently joined NPS MedicineWise CEO, Adj. Associate Professor Steve Morris and Consumer Health Forum CEO, Leanne Wells on a podcast discussing new survey results on health literacy and the importance of empowering consumers to ask questions about their health care.

Listen to the podcast Episode 30: New survey results shine a light on health literacy in Australia.

Making Health Better Together

July 2021

In July 2020, the Consumer Health Forum established the Consumer Commission: Beyond COVID-19 to contribute views and ideas about the future of Australian healthcare. Debra Letica and Melissa Cadzow were among the consumer leaders in the Commission, and are also members of the Consumer Advisory Group.

In late 2020, the Consumer Health Forum launched Making Health Better Together (PDF), a report developed by the Consumer Commission to “conceptualise what consumer-centred health and social care can look like into the future and how we can get there”.

Opening the door to accessible healthcare

June 2021

Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) member, Hamza Vayani speaks with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency on their podcast, Taking care: A podcast of conversations about public safety and health care, exploring access to healthcare from the point of view of a consumer.

CAG member appointed to the COVID-19 Expert Reference Group (ERG)

October 2020

Hamza Vayani

Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) member, Hamza Vayani, has recently joined the ERG as a member.

Hamza will represent the consumer perspective in the group that includes a wide range of specialists from infectious diseases, public health, occupational and environmental medicine, geriatrics, paediatrics, clinical pharmacology and respiratory medicine.

The ERG meets fortnightly to discuss advocacy priorities, review government advice on COVID-19 and identify resources to share with members.

Mr Hamza is also a member of the RACP College Council.

The Consumer Advisory Group welcomes Bradley Rossiter OAM

October 2020

In September 2020, Bradley Rossiter OAM joined the Consumer Advisory Group.

Brad is a very active consumer representative on several local and regional committees. He chairs the Eurobodalla NSW Health Service Community Representative Committee and is a member of the Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC), NSW Health Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI), Consumer Health Forum (CHF) Rural and Remote Special Interest Group, Kidney Health Australia Consumer Council, Organ and Tissue Authority (OTA) Community Engagement Group, Donate Life ACT Awareness & Steering Committee and the Canberra Hospital Renal Advisory Meeting (RAM). 

Bradley Rossiter and David Hurley Bradley Rossiter with General David Hurley, Governor-General of Australia receiving his Order of Australia Medal.

Among many awards and accolades, this year Brad received an Order of Australia Medal for his achievements. Brad has been living with Type 1 Diabetes since the age of 5, causing loss of sight and the amputation of both legs below the knee. Eventually diagnosed with renal failure, he has since received a kidney and pancreas organ transplant.

In Brad’s words, “I enjoy life and am getting on with it. I’m also a floorboard cracking dancer and a chandelier shattering singer.”

New co-chair appointed

July 2020

Debra LeticaDebra Letica has been announced as a co-chair of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) in July 2020. Debra has been a member of the CAG since its inception in May 2018. She serves as a consumer representative in a number of RACP Committees including the College Policy and Advocacy Committee, Congress Planning Committee, Integrated Care Committee and Gender Equity in Medicine Working Group.

Debra is also an active member of the Pharmacy Registration Board of WA, NPS MedicineWise Choosing Wisely Advisory Committee, WATAG and WA Primary Health Community South Committee.

Debra will serve as the consumer co-chair alongside Professor Nicholas Buckmaster for the next term.

Sheldon Ngatai joins the Consumer Advisory Group

May 2020

Sheldon NgataiIn May, the RACP Board approved the appointment of Sheldon Ngatai as a member of the Consumer Advisory Group.

Sheldon has 10 years’ experience and understanding as a Consumer Advisor, bringing with her a strong cultural perspective and extensive governance skills. She is currently involved in the strategic planning and implementation of services throughout all 20 District Health Boards within Aotearoa New Zealand. Her greatest achievement and involvement to date has been in the development of the Cancer Nurse Coordinator role, Faster Cancer Treatment, Psychosocial Oncology services and Hand Hygiene. Sheldon herself overcame breast cancer 11 years ago.

Read an introduction from Sheldon.

Strengthening the consumer voice across the RACP

October 2019

On 3 October, the Consumer Advisory Group held its last meeting for 2019 with a face-to-face workshop facilitated by Health Consumers NSW.

RACP staff and RACP Committee consumer representatives discussed the 'CAG roles and responsibilities; strengthening the consumer voice across RACP' and 'Vision Exercise - what does 2025 look like?'

Topics included:

  • RACP staff, member and Board awareness and skills in consumer engagement
  • consumer orientation, training and support
  • consumer engagement project infrastructure
  • funding
  • diversity of representation and community connectedness
  • consumer-informed patient centre care
Consumer Advisory Group 2019 Workshop

The Group looks forward to continuing to work with members of the RACP Committee and staff as it considers incorporating the workshop’s output into the 2020 Work Plan.

The Consumer Advisory Group joins Congress

September 2019 

Melissa Cadzow, Debra Letica and Hamza Vayani are joining the 2020 Congress Planning Committee as co-representatives for the Consumer Advisory Group.

They will be participating in the planning meetings to provide input from consumer and patient care perspectives in shaping the themes and speakers for the Congress. 

RACP Congress 2020 

The Group looks forward to reporting the progress of their contribution.

Consumer input into RACP submission on the Ethical Principles of AI in Medicine

September 2019

Members of the Consumer Advisory Group and consumer members of the Ethics Committee provided valuable perspectives and input to inform the RACP submission to The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists' (RANZCR) Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. This RANZCR document seeks to guide the development of professional and practice standards regarding the research and deployment of machine learning systems (ML) and artificial intelligence tools (AI) in medicine.

Consumer input outlined in the RACP submission focused on strengthening the original draft's focus on patient consent, patient preferences and the importance of discussions with patients. We are pleased that many of these suggestions have been reflected in the RANZCR's Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine released on 30 August 2019 and that this document places a strong emphasis on the need for AI and ML to 'at all times reflect the needs of patients, their care and their safety'.

A healthcare consumer's insight

July 2019

RACP Quarterly June 2019

In the latest RACP Quarterly, Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) members Deb Letica and Hamza Vayani talk about their experience at the RACP Congress in Auckland.

Deb shares, ‘By convening the Consumer Advisory Group, the RACP is shining a light for all other medical training colleges across Australia and New Zealand at the importance of engaging with consumers and carers in the design and delivery of healthcare.’

Read the full article in RACP Quarterly June 2019

Consumer input into Chronic Care Management

July 2019

Debra Letica

A strategic priority for us is integrated care. The integration of health services across hospital, community and primary healthcare settings is crucial to the quality of care and better health outcomes.

Debra Letica, of the Consumer Advisory Group, has been a member of the College’s Integrated Care Subgroup leading this work. Her contribution in bringing forward the views of the Group, have significantly helped to form the now approved RACP Model of Chronic Care Management.

It has been officially endorsed by the Consumers Health Forum and is now the subject of high level advocacy with key health reform stakeholders such as the Department of Health, Department of Veterans' Affairs and other state health departments.

The Consumer Advisory Group welcomes Terry Williams

June 2019

Terry Williams

In May 2019, Terry Williams (pictured) was confirmed as an appointed member of the Consumer Advisory Group following an expression of interest period held at the end of 2018.

As an Aboriginal Community Elder, connected with the Goreng Goreng, Yiman and Gangalu tribes in Central Queensland Australia, he brings an invaluable background and experience that further complements the Group's diverse representation.

The Consumer Advisory Group is pleased to welcome Terry and look forward to learning from him and hearing his insights.

Find out more about our members

A spotlight on Integrated Care

June 2019

At RACP Congress 2019, the Consumer Advisory Group marked an important milestone of having consumer participation valued and welcomed to the discussion of physician care on such a platform.

Group Member Debra Letica shared her patient story about the value of kindness and CARE (Communication, Access, Respect, Experience).

The Group looks forward to further involvement at 2020 RACP Congress.

On the ground at RACP Congress 2019

June 2019

The Consumer Advisory Group held its fifth meeting during the 2019 RACP Congress in Auckland, New Zealand.

Consumer Advisory Group RACP Congress 2019 The Consumer Advisory Group (Back L-R): Te Rina Ruru, Henry Ko, Hamza Vayani, Debra Letica. (Front L-R): Ezekiel Robson, A/Prof Nick Buckmaster, Melissa Cadzow.

Members Debra Letica and Hamza Vayani were involved in Congress proceedings as an Award judges or presenters. Hamza shared a personal perspective of a carer during the Transitions from Paediatric Care into Adult Medicine shared session and was a part of the judging panel for the John Snow Scholarship presentations.

Debra presented at the Integrated Care session as a feature presenter on The Future State of Australia's Healthcare System.

Consumer representation progress

June 2019

Consumer Advisory Group members have joined key RACP Board Committees with the intent to bring a consumer perspective to the discussion and shaping of College policies and decisions. Members have been appointed to the following committees:

Henry Ko – College Education Committee 
Debra Letica – College Policy and Advocacy Committee
Hamza Vayani – College Council
Ezekiel Robson – Aotearoa New Zealand Committee

Members have also joined College subcommittees of interests: Integrated Care Committee (Debra Letica) and Podcast Editorial Group (Melissa Cadzow).

The Consumer Advisory Group is also regularly sought for reviewing comments on paper submissions from RACP. The last paper for comment was a submission to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) on Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.

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