Case studies

Case studies demonstrate successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander access to specialist care across Australia in various health settings. Stakeholders are encouraged to consider how the case studies can inform their own service and practice.

Rural and remote

Regional specialist services in the Kimberley

Regional specialist services in the KimberleyLocation: The Kimberley
Principles demonstrated: Integration and continuity of care, sustainable and feasible

A longer term goal is to increase the health of the future adult Aboriginal population by focusing on the health of expectant mothers, the unborn, infants and children. Specialist services are critical in this context.

ANTAC and the Ngangkaṟi Healers of Central Australia

ANTAC and the Ngangkaṟi Healers of Central AustraliaLocation: Central Australia
Principles demonstrated: Culturally safe, family- and patient-orientated

Steps are being taken to integrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations traditions into the contemporary Australian health system and ensure their survival into the future.

Marrabinya: Aboriginal Health in Aboriginal Hands

Multi generation aboriginal familyLocation: New South Wales
Principles demonstrated: Indigenous leadership

Rural and remote-living Indigenous people with chronic disease can face barriers of distance, cultural difference and cost in having often complex health care needs met in a coordinated way.

Reaching Out to People with Diabetes in the Torres Strait Islands

Thursday IslandLocation: Queensland
Principles demonstrated: Integration and continuity of care, sustainable and feasible

Torres Strait Islanders have among the highest prevalence of diabetes in Australia. Glycaemic control is a challenge in the Torres Strait Islands and rates of insulin treatment are low.

Building an Outreach Program in Remote Indigenous Communities

Dr Simon Quilty and Jack LittleLocation: Northern Territory
Principles demonstrated: Cultural safety, integration and continuity of care

Specialist Dr Simon Quilty started work in Katherine in 2012. In the past five years he has developed an outreach program to remote Indigenous communities in the Katherine area.

Reaching Out to Mums, Bubs and Children in ‘Top End’ Communities

Australian Aboriginal Woman Hugging Her GranddaughterLocation: Northern Territory
Principles demonstrated: Flexibility, family- and patient-orientated

Indigenous people face significant barriers to accessing hospital and specialist care across the remote ‘Top End’ of Northern Territory, where some of the most disadvantaged communities in Australia are found.

Reaching Out to Prevent, Detect and Manage Chronic Disease in Rural and Remote NSW Indigenous Communities

Chronic disease in rural and remote communitiesLocation: New South Wales
Principles demonstrated: Culturally safe and equitable services, sustainable and feasible

The sizeable NSW Indigenous population throughout regional and remote areas experience major health challenges with cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and kidney disease. However, the call for specialists goes unanswered.

Closing the Gap in the Detection and Treatment of Kidney Disease

Closing the Gap in the Detection and Treatment of Kidney DiseaseLocation: Pilbara
Principles demonstrated: Culturally safe, place-based, sustainable and feasible

For rural and remote-living Indigenous people with advanced kidney disease, the need to be near dialysis machines can challenge connections to country, community and family.


An Inner City Hospital Establishes an Aboriginal Health Unit

NurseLocation: Victoria
Principles demonstrated: Family and patient-centred, quality and accountability

Outreach is not the only way for hospitals to work with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It is also critical to ensure that Indigenous people have a positive hospital experience.

Reaching Out to Indigenous People in Outer Suburban Brisbane

Professor Noel HaymanLocation: Queensland
Principles demonstrated: Indigenous leadership, cultural safety, community engagement

This case study shows how specialists contribute to an award-winning Indigenous health service. It includes the remarkable story of how the service’s original 12 Indigenous clients expanded to over 10,000.

Reaching Out to Mums, Bubs and Children in Inner City Melbourne

Victorian Aboriginal Health ServiceLocation: Victoria
Principles demonstrated: Integration and continuity of care, cultural safety

Outreach does not necessarily involve travelling long distances to remote communities.

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