Addiction medicine resources

Resources relating to addiction medicine have been developed and curated to assist members to reflect on their practice and performance as well as provide opportunities for further learning and professional development.

Advocacy toolkit

RACP Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine Toolkit (member login required)

Online Learning Resources

A suite of learning modules developed by Fellows of the AChAM, with the support of NSW Health.

Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol, Anxiety and Mood Disorders

Cannabis Use and Misuse

Drug Use in Pregnancy and Parenthood


Opportunistic Intervention

Prescription Drug Misuse

Smoking Cessation

Young People and Addiction


Results Of The Prescribing Methadone Survey (PDF) | Fellows of the Australasian Chapters of Addiction and Palliative Medicine and the Faculty of Pain Medicine, ANZCA, 2008.

Career Flyer

AChAM Career Flyer (PDF)

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