Medical Oncology

The new curricula for Medical Oncology have been developed and will be published here in the second half of 2024.


Following a period of broad consultation, the new curricula for Advanced Training in Medical Oncology (Adult Internal Medicine) and Advanced Training in Medical Oncology (Paediatrics & Child Health) have been finalised and will be published here soon, along with information about their implementation. If you have any questions, contact

Specialist contractors

The specialist contractors developed the initial draft specialty curricula in line with College-approved educational models and templates, quality standards, and project deadlines, etc.


Dr Joanne Lundy FRACP | Specialist contractor, Adult Internal Medicine

Jo is a consultant medical oncologist at Peninsula Health and Adjunct Lecturer at Monash University. She completed a PhD in 2021 focused on improving precision oncology in pancreatic cancer and remains actively involved in clinical and translational research. Jo is also a current trainee supervisor and is committed to working to develop and improve medical education.


Dr Leanne Super FRACP | Specialist contractor, Paediatrics & Child Health

Leanne is an experienced Paediatric Oncologist. She completed medical school at Monash University and trained in general paediatrics and oncology at Royal Children's Hospital and Monash Health, becoming a consultant across both sites in 2007. She has done further training at University College Hospital and Great Ormond Street in London. She is an affiliate lecture at Monash University involved with undergraduate medical training, and supervises basic and advanced trainees with the RACP. She is involved in clinical trials as PI for national and local studies in various types of oncology. She is a member of many medical groups locally and internationally.

Curriculum Review Group

The Curriculum Review Group reviewed and refined the draft curricula in preparation for broad consultation and finalised the drafts for endorsement and approval.

Read the Medical Oncology Curriculum Review Group Terms of Reference (PDF).



Dr James Lynam FRACP, FRCP, AFRACMA | Chair

Dr James Lynam is an Adult Medical Oncologist specialising in Neuro, Genitourinary and Gastrointestinal malignancies. He is the current Director of the Medical Oncology Department at the Calvary Mater Newcastle. He is actively involved in training and mentorship, having recently completed 6 years on the Advanced Training Committee in Medical Oncology.


Dr Aileen Ludlow FRACP | Deputy Chair

Kia Ora Koutou. I am a medical oncologist in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland. I specialise in the treatment of GI and Thoracic malignancies. I am passionate about post graduate medical education and have been the director of training for medical oncology in Auckland for the past 3 years.

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Dr Julie Cayrol FRACP 

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Dr Jessica Cook FRACP 

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Dr Mayank Dhamija FRACP 

I am a Paediatric Medical Oncologist and clinical haematologist, trained in New Delhi, India; Sickkids, Canada; and Perth Australia. I am currently working as a consultant malignant haematologist and cellular therapy physician at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol, UK. I have completed 5 years of prospectively approved training in the fields of medical oncology and clinical haematology and have over 6 years of experience as a consultant paediatric medical oncologist from India, Australia and the UK. I am a compassionate, self-reflective, and enthusiastic clinician, a leader, a keen learner, a team person, curious researcher, and well-liked teacher and mentor. I am an advocate of quality, patient safety and good documentation.


Dr Caleb Lucas

Kia Ora, I'm Caleb, an advanced trainee in medical oncology, based in New Zealand. I am passionate about educating, communicating and supporting patients through their cancer treatment, as well as developing the future doctors of tomorrow.

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Dr Amanda Lyver FRACP 

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Dr Rhiannon Mellor

I am a current medical oncology trainee in Australia, and I know the importance of excellent training. For this reason I joined the RACP Medical Oncology Advanced Training Committee as their trainee representative in 2021. In this role I have facilitated communication between trainees and the college, and I have gained insight into the Medical Oncology training program, both from the perspective of the ATC and of the trainee. I have experience representing trainees in this context, and know the importance of trainees having a voice. I organised the teaching program for my own training network in 2021, using the curriculum as a framework for topics to be covered. However, given the speed at which medical oncology is changing, I agree that the curriculum needs to be reviewed and I would like to be part of that process.


Dr Sharon Nahm FRACP 

Dr Sharon Nahm (BMed MD FRACP) is a medical oncologist and PhD candidate based in Sydney, Australia. She graduated from the University of New South Wales and completed her medical oncology training at Concord Repatriation General Hospital and Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, before undertaking a clinical research fellowship in melanoma at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester, UK in 2020. Her current PhD research is aimed at improving discussions of prognosis in advanced cancer.

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Dr Jessica Smith FRACP 

Biography unavailable


Dr Alvin Tan FRACP 

Dr Alvin Tan is a consultant medical oncologist at Waikato Hospital, and also practices in private at SalutisCare. He completed his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Otago, Dunedin. He achieved Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) in 2014, having trained in medical oncology at Auckland City Hospital where he developed particular interest in genitourinary cancers and participation in oncology clinical trials. He is the primary site investigator for a number of clinical trials being conducted at Waikato Hospital. He is a past participant of the 2016 Australia & Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development (ACORD) Workshop. He is a graduate of the 2019 ESMO Leaders Generation Programme Asia and currently serves as a member on the ESMO Practising Oncologist Working Group Committee. He is the current Head of Department for Medical Oncology at Waikato Hospital and the current Chair of the Aotearoa New Zealand Advanced Training Subcommittee for Medical Oncology for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.


Dr Hui-Ling Yeoh

Dr Hui-Ling Yeoh is a Victorian medical oncology advanced trainee who is passionate about health equity, research, and medical education. She graduated from Monash University in 2016 and completed her Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) at the Burnet Institute in 2015, where she published on frailty in the HIV-positive population. Hui-Ling completed basic physician training and a medical oncology clinical trials fellowship at the Alfred Hospital, and has undertaken medical oncology advanced training at Frankston and Ballarat hospitals. She also serves as a board director for Possible Dreams International, a non-profit organisation based in Eswatini.

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