Nominating eligible supervisors
From mid-2023, you’re required to nominate eligible supervisors who meet the supervision requirements of the training program.
You can find a list of eligible supervisors on MyRACP.
This list isn’t available for post-Fellowship trainees. Post-Fellowship trainees can contact us to confirm supervisor eligibility.
Application deadline
Applications for approval of Clinical Foundation in Palliative Medicine training must be submitted within the first 2 weeks of commencing your training rotation.
Late applications
Late applications will be considered up to 1 month after the deadline.
Applications received 1 month after the deadline won’t be considered unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated in line with the Special Considerations for Assessment Policy.
Late applications may incur a fee.
Late fees won't apply if supervisor approval is pending after the deadline.
Clinical Foundation in Palliative Medicine training fees apply. Visit MyRACP to pay or view previous training program payments.
About your training position
Core training must be undertaken at accredited settings.
Once you have secured a training position, you must prospectively apply for approval as per the Progression through Training Policy.
The College is not involved in the recruitment and selection of trainees. Our role is to set and monitor standards for selection and provide advice to settings and their selection committees.
Training approval and certification
Approval of training periods are determined by the Training Committee in Palliative Medicine (TCPM). To be approved, your individual training program must be consistent with the training requirements and appropriate for the stage of training you have reached.
Upon completion of each rotation or calendar year of training, the TCPM reviews your progress according to the training requirements. If you have satisfactorily completed all training requirements, the TCPM will certify that training period.
Training variations
See variations in training for processes covering dual, joint, conjoint and post-Fellowship training.
See flexible training options for information on part-time training, interruptions to training, withdrawing from training and time limits.
Rotation or supervision changes
Changes to your rotation require you to submit a new application form to the TCPM as soon as possible. This includes any changes to the setting, dates of rotations and flexible training arrangements.
Changes to your supervision must be notified as soon as possible by submitting a Supervisor Details Amendment Form (DOC).
Some changes may require a review of the approval decision and can affect the certification of your training.