Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Consultation on a draft redesigned curriculum for Training in Occupational and Environmental Medicine has now closed.

Consultation on the draft redesigned curriculum has now closed. The consultation drafts can be viewed below. If you have any questions, contact curriculum@racp.edu.au.
The draft new curriculum
A concurrent review of the proposed curriculum standards and learning, teaching and assessment programs is taking place to ensure the concepts and traditions of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health and te Ao Māori are reflected across our final draft curricula.
Specialist contractor
The specialist contractor developed an initial draft specialty curriculum in line with College-approved educational models and templates, quality standards, and project deadlines.
Dr Kalesh Seevnarain FAFOEM | Specialist contractor
Dr Kalesh Seevnarain is an occupational and environmental medicine specialist in private practise based in Brisbane. Whilst overseas trained and experienced, Kalesh has added to the AFOEM education sector by filling roles like the Queensland Training Program Director and chairing the Faculty's Training Committee. His current professional interests include pneumoconisoses and mental health within the workplace.
Curriculum Review Group
The Curriculum Review Group reviewed and refined the draft curriculum in preparation for broad consultation.
Read the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Curriculum Review Group Terms of Reference (PDF).
Associate Professor Anthony Brown FAFPHM, FAFOEM | Chair
Tony is an occupational and environmental health physician and public health physician. He has lived in Central Western NSW for a long time and worked for both the health service and the School of Rural Health of the University of Sydney. He is currently the Chair of the Greater Western Human Research Ethics Committee.
Tony’s research interests are wide and have included cancer clusters in the workplace, respiratory disease in poultry farmers, cancer and mortality in coalminers, the health effects of aircraft maintenance work and infectious diseases such as pertussis, Q fever and vibriosis.
He has been interested in the training of occupational physician for a long time. He has been an examiner and was a member and Chair of the Faculty Assessment Committee for many years. He is currently the Chair of the Faculty Education Committee.
Professor Timothy Driscoll FAFPHM, FAFOEM | Deputy Chair
Timothy is currently working in an academic position in the Sydney School of Public Health at the University of Sydney, where he has an active teaching and research program and was, until the end of last year, the Director of the Master of Public Health. During his time as Director he introduced a new, expanded curriculum as the degree changed from a 48-credit point to a 72-credit point degree. He was Chair of the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Faculty Education Committee at the time the current curriculum was developed (led by David Goddard) and was closely involved in the design and content of that curriculum.
Dr Russell Fayers
Russell is a stage C Occupational and Environmental Physician Registrar awaiting Fellowship. Having the recent experience with this training program he would like to see some changes in aspects on how trainees are assessed and what needs more attention. The Occupational and Environmental Medicine training program is unique in the RACP with training entirely external to the traditional hospital-based models, in a private setting working with all industries. Providing clear goals to trainees is what is required for them to become consultant physicians in this discipline. He also has experience as a FRACGP having completed a training program which is also external to traditional RACP training. He looks forward to being part of the curriculum review.
Dr Hardeep Hundall
Hardeep completed medicine from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He is currently training to be an Occupational Medicine Specialist. He works as a Medical officer for Aviation & Occupational Health at Air New Zealand for over 8 years and locum occupational doctor with Auckland Occupational Medicine with Dr Anthony Burgess and also a locum concussion doctor with Proactive HEALTH in NZ.
Over the years, he has acquired extensive knowledge of many common places such as the aviation and the oil and gas industry. He studied chemical engineering before studying medicine and worked in the oil and gas industry. He is married with two kids and enjoys a bit out outdoors and indoors activities. He makes and collects model aeroplane models.
Dr Peter Honeyman FAFOEM
Peter is a Consultant Occupational Physician with medical registrations in Israel, Australia and the UK. His expertise is in Multinational Corporate OH practice, International OHS systems & legislations, international ergonomic standards, Industry in China, and environment. He has worked in the Semiconductor industries, Oil and Gas Exploration, Manufacturing, Health, Waterfront & Maritime and construction industries. He is currently a self-employed consultant, with additional roles in the Occupational and Environmental Health Unit, School of PH, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Dr Catherine Kelaher FAFOEM
Catherine is a fellow of the Australian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and also the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Catherine worked with Health throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to help organizations to optimally manage risk related to SARS-CoV-2. She is now at Defence as a Senior Occupational and Environmental Physician working to optimize the health and wellbeing of Australia’s Defence Force.
Dr Rob McDonald FAFOEM
Rob is an Occupational and Environmental Physician, and is an experienced, senior health and safety executive, Board Director and graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and member of the Strategic Advisory Council to the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health. He is passionate about the creation of environments that enable all to Thrive, with a particular focus on equity and inclusion. Workplaces that support Good Work are a critical element in support of Thrive and Rob is very pleased to be a member of the AFOEM Curriculum Review Group to support the development and training of new occupational and environmental physicians who play such a key role in support of good work.
Dr David Ruttenberg FAFOEM
David gained his primary medical qualifications in South Africa in 1986. He moved to Auckland in 1993 and obtained his Fellowship in Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2004. He practices in Occupational Medicine both in New Zealand and Australia, consulting to a wide variety of industries, insurers and other stakeholders.
He has previously served as a New Zealand council member for AFOEM and over more recent years been involved in both the written and practical examinations for AFOEM.
Dr John Schneider FAFOEM
John practiced as a family physician in regional Queensland for 10 years and obtained a Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety. He then worked as a consultant in Occupational Medicine in tropical Australia (20+ years). He is a Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (RACP: Qld and NT committee as well as Assessment committee) and Irish Faculty of Occupational Medicine (member of their examinations committee ~15 years).
He worked in the Middle East as an Associate Professor in the College of Medicine and Health Science (UAE University, 2006-2013). He returned to Australia and was employed part-time as an Associate Professor, College Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University, and resumed part time consulting work in Occupational and Workplace Rehabilitation and Industry education in OH&S the Middle East, Asia, South America, and recently online. Areas of interest are Occupational Health in rural and remote worksites, Ergonomics (work in hot environments), and Occupational Medical education.
Dr Kalesh Seevnarain FAFOEM
Kalesh is an occupational and environmental medicine specialist in private practise based in Brisbane. Whilst overseas trained and experienced, Kalesh has added to the AFOEM education sector by filling roles like the Queensland Training Program Director and chairing the Faculty's Training Committee. His current professional interests include pneumoconisoses and mental health within the workplace.
Dr June Sim FAFOEM
June is an occupational and environmental physician in private practice based in Perth. She gained her fellowship with the Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2008. She has had a long-standing involvement with AFOEM as a supervisor, committee member and was previously the WA Regional Training Program Director.
She is the current chair of the Faculty Assessment committee. She has a keen interest in developing and mentoring the next generation of occupational and environmental physicians.
Dr Alum Sheila Uyirwoth
Sheila is an AFOEM Advanced Trainee and General Physician with interests in aviation medicine, travel health and environmental medicine. She also has interest in improving the capacity for women to have agency in their working lives and achieving the balance that works best for them.
Dr Peter Yu FAFOEM
Peter gained Master's degrees in Occupational and Environmental Health from Monash University and in Aviation Medicine from Otago University, after studying medicine at the University of NSW. He gained a Fellowship in Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, and then with the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. His expertise has focussed on the systematic protection of the health or workers and others in heavy construction, oil and gas, heavy transport, the security industry and healthcare.
He is the Director of Training (Physician Education) for Occupational and Environmental Medicine in NSW/ACT for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Occupational and Environmental Physician (OEM) of an Australian Government Department, and a Medical Decision-Maker for NSW's Personal Injury Commission. He has special interests in the governance of OEM, the clinical application of human factors, frameworks for enterprise health risk, medical standards, workplace health regulation, and health monitoring for safety-critical workers.