ADHA and RACP Digital Health Scholarship
The ADHA and RACP digital health scholarship recipients represent a variety of clinical disciplines across metropolitan, regional and rural Australia.
RACP Fellows and Trainees using My Health Record and electronic prescribing, in the healthcare industry, are eligible to apply for scholarships worth $4000.
As a leading professional medical college we provide accredited specialist training to doctors who have completed their medical degree, and assess overseas trained physicians who wish to practice in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.
We also play a strong advocate role for healthcare policies and practices that promote the interests of medical professionals, patients and communities (locally and abroad).
Scholarship applications are evaluated by the ADHA and RACP selection panel. The 10 scholarship recipients are:
- current Fellows or Trainees of the RACP
- employed in an Australian public or private, RACP-accredited clinical setting
- able to demonstrate a recent record of prescribing electronically and/or adopting various digital health initiatives
- able to provide 3 case studies about or workflow integration examples using My Health Record and/or electronic prescribing
- able to provide a reporting template to accompany the case studies or examples
2022 Scholarship recipients
Dr Annalise Unsworth
Annalise Unsworth is an Infectious Diseases Advanced Trainee at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney.
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Dr Samantha Ennis
Samantha is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians with an interest in Transplant Medicine and Immunology . She has a strong interest in policies and practices that promote equitable access to patient care, particularly for patients from rural and isolated backgrounds with complex health needs.
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Dr Justine Noble
Justine is a consultant paediatrician who is passionate about child health and development. She graduated from the University of NSW and completed Diploma in Paediatrics, before completing Royal College of Physician Fellowships in both General Paediatrics and Community Child Health. She worked in the public system for 12 years in various metropolitan, rural and regional centres, ranging from tertiary hospitals to community health clinics, and has over 18 years of experience in Paediatrics. Justine’s interests range from general paediatric to developmental and behavioural issues such as ADHD, autism, speech delay and other developmental or behavioural concerns. Justine is neuro-affirming, gender diversity-friendly, LGBTQIA+-friendly and is passionate about advocacy for her clients. Her focus of care is to help children from bio-psycho-social model, and concentric multilevel of care rather than solely on the treating the individual. Justine worked in research in her public health role in the Sydney Local Health District, where her focus of research was in perinatal mental health and urban Aboriginal wellbeing. She is on the Board of Directors for Reframing Autism, a non-profit organisation celebrating autistic identities, embracing the autistic community, empowering autistic individuals and working to change the world to achieve respect, acceptance and citizenship. Currently, she based her research on the experiences in her private practice including Telehealth provision, pharmacogenomics and how it helps clinical care. She also gives presentations to allied health professional for continued professional development in topics. Justine is a loving mother of a vivacious and spirited little girl.
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Dr Rohanti Ravikulan
Rohanti is a Basic Physician Trainee at the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network with a dual Masters in Public Health and Health Management and Leadership from UNSW. She is passionate about reducing inequality in health and improving healthcare delivery through digital health. In addition to being a recipient of the ADHA and RACP Digital Health Scholarship, Dr Ravikulan was featured in a video produced by the RACP on the implications of digital health in clinical practice.
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Dr Eshwar Yogakanthi
Eshwar is a 2nd year gastroenterology advanced trainee at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. He completed his first year of advanced training and his basic physician training at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. He is passionate about the potential for improved health outcomes through the adoption of digital health.
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Dr Daniel White
Dr Daniel White is a Paediatric Oncologist currently undertaking further specialist training in joint clinical and laboratory Haematology. Based in Adelaide, he completed his Paediatric Oncology training with fellowship at the Perth Children’s Hospital. His interest areas are all aspects of paediatric malignant haematology, non-malignant haematology and laboratory haematology but particularly precision or personalised treatment in the molecular era.
Daniel also has an interest in electronic healthcare systems, and how their strategic implementation can improve healthcare productivity and positively impact patient outcomes.
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Dr Samridh Nagar
Dr Samridh Nagar works as a Staff Specialist paediatrician in regional NSW. He is a dual trained paediatrician (Neonatal and General paediatrics) and is a keen user, learner and promoter of digital health. He has worked in various neonatal units and paediatric departments in tertiary and regional hospitals and has followed the evolution of digital health platforms over the last two decades. He understands the substantial benefits of its access and strives to improve his skills in the area of digital health platforms especially the use of electronic scripts in the public health setting. The smooth flow of information and ease of access of medical information along with immunisation details and developmental screening tools at one access point for children and adolescents can be improved in ‘My health record’. MHR can provide very relevant information which can be instrumental in saving lives in acute care settings. Understanding of digital health platforms may become part of the training curriculum for doctors in the future. There is a need to adapt the use of electronic scripts for paediatrics, especially in regional settings.
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Dr Paul Yong Chia
Dr Chia is an Acute Medical Unit specialist physician who completed advanced physician training at Australia's first fully-digitalised quarternary hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital. He currently works at Royal Perth Hospital in a busy teaching hospital environment that uses My Health Record (MHR) and electronic prescribing, and he has significant experience in patient safety and hospital-based quality improvement. He has a keen sense of the importance of systems in preventing, identifying, and responding to errors in diagnosis and treatment including prescribing. Incorporating the digital health technology into routine clinical workflow is a keen interest of his. Dr Chia has had exciting cases in which My Health Record was instrumental in resolving significant case issues of national and international importance, including antibiotic allergy delabelling, opioid and psychoactive polypharmacy misuse, acute coronary syndrome management dilemmas, and uncovering diagnostic information about adherence and cognitive impairment.
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Dr Christopher Chew
Dr Chew is a Respiratory Physician currently working as the Sleep and Ventilation Fellow at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne. After being awarded his MBBS (Hons) through Monash University, he has undertaken further post-graduate clinical training at the Alfred Hospital, Western Health, and Barwon Health. Starting his clinical training at the cusp period of transition to electronic medical records and national digital health records has meant he has borne witness to the impacts of large-scale digitisation in the healthcare space, both positive and unintended. While a clinician at heart, he has sought to be active in the Digital Health space given its importance to healthcare transformation, completing an internship with the Digital Health branch of the Victorian Government, and is a current member of the MyHealthRecord Meaningful Use Reference Group and the Victorian eHealth High Risk Medicine Safety Group. Whilst acknowledging the immense challenges that lie ahead, he remains optimistic about the future opportunities to improve healthcare systems for patients, doctors and the community at large. In particular, he is interested in exploring ways to reduce siloing and engage front-line clinicians and health-workers in electronic medical records development and roll-outs, having been a frustrated clinician with a computer-on-wheels himself far too often.
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Dr Aaron Gaekwad
Dr Gaekwad is an aspiring neurologist. He is currently the stroke fellow at Prince of Wales hospital in Sydney. He has interest in stroke and health informatics and has a CHIA certification.
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2021 Scholarship recipients
Hervey Lau
Dr Hervey Lau is a final year Respiratory and General Medicine trainee at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane. He will be undertaking his Sleep Fellowship at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital next year.
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Jayasri Srinivasan
Dr Jayasri Srinivasan is a specialist in both paediatric neurology and paediatric rehabilitation. She has trained both in Australia and in North America, with experience in both paediatric and adult neurological disorders, and with a special interest in movement disorders.
Dr Srinivasan is part of the Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service at The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne.
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Umbreen Hafeez
Dr Umbreen Hafeez has undertaken oncology training in the UK and Australia. She works as a medical oncologist at Austin Health and doing PhD with Tumour Targeting Laboratory at Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute.
Her research focuses on developing and characterizing novel anti-ErbB3 antibodies to fight cancer. Dr Hafeez was awarded the MOGA-IPSEN Trainee Travel Award in 2016 and RACP Engage Australian Digital Health Agency Scholarship in 2020.
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Phillipa Wormald
Dr Philippa Wormald is dually trained in General Paediatric Medicine and Paediatric Emergency Medicine, through the RACP. She graduated from the University of Sydney graduate medical program and has a Master of Medicine (Paediatric Medicine) at the University of Sydney.
Based at the Sydney Children’s Hospital for over 10 years, Phillipa has also completed secondments with paediatric units in metropolitan and regional NSW.
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Janakan Selvarajah
Janakan Selvarajah is an aspiring physician with a belief that digital health can improve access to healthcare for all. He advocates for improvements in digital health as he recognises that the gaps in communication between hospital networks and primary healthcare can lead to poor patient outcomes.
Janakan hopes to educate and encourage physicians to use digital health to deliver personalised patient care.
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Elizabeth Thompson
Dr Elizabeth Thompson is a Rehabilitation specialist working with the Specialised Intellectual Disability Health Team covering the Hunter and Central Coast Local Health Districts.
She works with children at the HNEkids Rehab service and the NSW Ombudsman on Reviewable Deaths. Dr Thompson has also served as a Professional Member for NCAT Guardianship Tribunal.
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