How to apply for STP funding

Application rounds for STP funding, or expressions of interest (EOI), are managed by the Australian Government Department of Health (DoH).

Applications are currently closed.

You can only apply via the RACP STP Online Portal on the DoH website. The portal is only visible when applications are open.

We email interested members when application rounds open. To receive notifications, contact

Prepare for an EOI


We recommend you start this process well in advance of an application round as it's timely and involves a range of stakeholders.

  1. Review the STP Operational Framework to understand the DoH essential criteria requirements.*

  2. Document relevant details for the new training position, including all questions asked in the RACP Educational Imperative Selection Criteria Form (DOC).

  3. Check the position is accredited or accreditation is in process. STP funds can’t be paid to unaccredited training settings.

  4. Ensure your organisation’s executive unit know you’re applying. They’re required to meet salary costs and on-costs of the position, above the STP salary support funds of $105,000 per annum.

  5. Discuss the new position with your state or territory DoH. They assess all EOIs for workforce need.

  6. Check the position meets curriculum requirements for the relevant specialty. This will be assessed by the RACP Assessment Forum.

* Applications are assessed against the STP Operational Framework. Positions must meet the STP requirements and criteria. For example, posts are required to have a minimum of 50% training time in a rural or private training setting to be eligible.

Note: we may set additional requirements to achieve DoH-set private or rural targets.


When an application round is open, go to the DoH website and access the ‘live’ or 'open' EOI portal. Follow the instructions there to submit your application and all relevant documentation.

Applications must include the RACP Educational Imperative Selection Criteria Form (DOC) to be considered complete.

Assessment process

The assessment process can take a few months to complete.

  1. State or Territory health departments assess each application for workforce need. We do not assess applications they do not support.

  2. The RACP Educational Imperative Selection Criteria Form (DOC) submitted as part of your application is assessed by the RACP Assessment Forum.*

  3. DoH review the assessment data and make the final decision on successful applications.

  4. A successful application is then approved to go onto the Reserve List.**

  5. RACP notifies all applicants of outcomes.

* The RACP Assessment Forum is a group of RACP education staff and Fellows.
** The Reserve List contains applications that fulfil all criteria.

Outcomes and reserve lists

Successful applicants are placed on our STP or IRTP Reserve List to await funding offers.

female physician in a hospital smiling

Typically, funding becomes available because another position has been defunded or the DoH injects new funds into the program.

When funding is available, we aim to maintain program distribution by replacing defunded positions with others in the same specialty and jurisdiction. If such a position is not available, we offer it to rural/private positions in areas the DoH identify as highest priority.

We regularly review Reserve List positions to ensure eligibility requirements are met according to current criteria.


DoH | Australian Government Department of Health

Expression of interest | Funding application rounds are referred to as expressions of interest (EOIs). When applications are open, you can submit your application via the Department of Health.

RACP Assessment Forum | A group of RACP education staff and Fellows tasked with assessing applications according to criteria set out in the Educational Imperative Selection Criteria Form.

RACP Educational Imperative Selection Criteria Form | RACP STP selection criteria used to determine the educational merit of the new position. This form must be completed and submitted as part of the online EOI submission.

Reserve List | The list of successful EOI applications. These applications fulfill all qualifying criteria as determined by the DoH, State or Territory health departments and the RACP STP Assessment Forum.

STP Operational Framework | DoH guidelines for the STP program.

Recruitment FAQs

What type of trainee is suitable for an STP post?

Basic trainees can only be placed in posts approved as Basic Training positions.

Advanced Trainees can only be placed in posts approved as Advanced Training positions.

Suitable trainees:

  • dual training trainees if they’re still training for that specialty *
  • overseas trained physicians completing peer review training or top-up training

Unsuitable trainees:

  • overseas trainees looking to complete a rotation in Australia before returning to their country of origin
  • individuals on short term training not registered with us
  • trainees registered with other colleges

* For example, a dual training trainee in neurology and cardiology can be placed in a cardiology position if they’re still completing Advanced Training in Cardiology, even if they completed neurology training and are a Fellow.

Can I recruit a Basic Trainee instead of an Advanced Trainee?

A Basic Trainee can be recruited only if the original funding agreement is for that training level.

If the STP funding is for an Advanced Training position and there are difficulties recruiting an Advanced Trainee, report the post as vacant immediately.

We must seek permission from the STP Advisory Group before placing a Basic Trainee in an Advanced Training position. The site must be accredited for Basic Training for this request to be considered and the position cannot be for more than 1 year. Contact us to learn more.

What happens if I can’t recruit a trainee?

If you’re unable to recruit a trainee for an upcoming rotation, advise us immediately. We can provide advice on how to recruit for the next rotation.

We’re required to manage vacant posts and ensure they’re filled at all times. Where posts are vacant for more than 6 months, the STP Vacant Post Policy applies.

Do I need to recruit a replacement for a trainee going on maternity/personal leave?

Yes, STP does not fund maternity or other long-term leave.

The DoH advises that if a post is to be unfilled for more than 6 months, another trainee should be recruited to the post.

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