Nuclear Medicine
The curriculum for Advanced Training in Nuclear Medicine has been redesigned, and implementation planning is underway.

The Nuclear Medicine curriculum was redesigned through a five-stage process.
The new curriculum has been widely consulted on and approved by the College Education Committee. Implementation is planned for first year trainees enrolling in the program in 2026. We’ll provide formal notice and more information before any changes take effect.
The new curriculum
Curriculum standards (PDF) – outline what trainees need to learn.
Learning, teaching, and assessment programs (PDF) – outline how trainees are going to demonstrate their learning.
Specialist contractor
The specialist contractor developed an initial draft specialty curriculum in line with College-approved educational models and templates, quality standards, and project deadlines.
Clinical Associate Professor Elizabeth Clingan FRACP, FAANMS, AFRACMA | Specialist contractor
Elizabeth is a Nuclear Medicine and Level A CTCA Specialist working at the Wollongong Hospital and in a private practice group servicing Wollongong, Shellharbour, Dubbo, Port Macquarie & Taree. She is the Deputy Chair and Advanced Training Coordinator for the CJCT in Nuclear Medicine and the Nuclear Medicine Representative on the RACP College Council. She is the NSW Representative on the RACP Adult Medicine Clinical Examination Committee and is a current National Examination Panel Member for the RACP Adult Medicine Clinical Examination. She is a current ASMOF NSW State Councillor.
Elizabeth was a Director of Physician Training and Network Director of Physician training from 2015 to 2022. She has a post-graduate diploma in Clinical Education and commenced as the Clinical Associate Dean for the University of Wollongong Graduate School of Medicine in 2022. She has been an RACP Advanced Training Supervisor and has a long-term and abiding interest in teaching, curriculum and trainee well-being.
Curriculum Review Group
The Curriculum Review Group reviewed and refined the draft curriculum in preparation for broad consultation and finalised the draft for endorsement and approval.
Read the Nuclear Medicine Curriculum Review Group Terms of Reference (PDF).
Dr William Macdonald FRACP | Chair
William is a graduate of the University of Western Australia and trained initially in paediatrics before completing nuclear medicine training in 2000. He has since practised largely in the public sector and is currently a staff physician in a cross-campus service at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital. This service provides a range of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine services, including general nuclear medicine, PET, bone densitometry and radionuclide therapy of benign and malignant thyroid disease, prostate cancer, neuroendocrine tumours and lymphoma. While in paediatrics, Dr Macdonald was Director of Physician Training at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and was a clinical examiner for the RACP. Since moving to nuclear medicine, he has held positions on the Board of the Australasian Association of Nuclear Medicine Specialists (AANMS) and was President of the AANMS from 2014-16. He has also served as Chair of the Nuclear Medicine Working Group on the MBS Review Taskforce and continues a role in the PET Modality Working Group of the Commonwealth Department of Health. Most recently, he has been Co-Chair of the RANZCR Theranostics Working Group. He has an active interest in clinical research and innovation, and a continuing interest in registrar training and physician competencies.
Dr Sally Ayesa
Sally is a clinical radiologist and nuclear medicine physician, working across Gosford, Wyong & Royal North Shore Hospitals. She is a lecturer within the Sydney Medical School and Unit Coordinator within the Master of Medicine & Surgery Programs. Sally is a member of the Radiopaedia editorial board and sits on the Curriculum Assessment Committee and Diversity & Inclusion Taskforce for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists. She is a co-director of radiology training on the Central Coast, where she is also the clinical lead for ultrasound imaging. Her research interests include thoracic oncology, diversity & inclusion, and medical education – which is the topic of her PhD research. Sally also is the co-convenor of the RANZCR Centralised Learning Program and upcoming Radiopaedia 2024 Conference.
Dr Leisl Celliers
Leisl graduated from the University of Melbourne with honours in 2004 with a MBBS and B.Med.Sci. She moved to WA to complete her internship and stayed on to join the WA Radiology Training program, completing her Part 2 examinations in 2011. Liesl did a year of Advanced Training in Thoracic Imaging followed by Nuclear Medicine Training in Victoria (Geelong) and WA (FSH). She became the inaugural Associate in Translational Imaging at the Harry Perkins Institute of medical Research in 2016. Currently Liesl works as a dual-trained Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine Specialist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital/WA PET Service and Perth Radiological Clinic.
Dr Bruce Goodwin FRACP
Bruce is a dual trained Paediatrician and Paediatric Nuclear Physician working at the Queensland Children's Hospital.
Dr Kerry Jewell FRACP
Kerry is the current Radionuclide Therapy and Molecular Imaging Fellow at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne (2023). She completed her core Advanced Training in Nuclear Medicine at PMCC and Austin Health. Kerry is the current inaugural chair of the AANMS Trainees' Interest Group (TIG). She is a former Victorian Junior Doctor of the Year recipient (2016) and previous Chair of the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria’s Junior Medical Officer (JMO) Forum. She has a special interest in medical education, trainee welfare, and rural medicine.
Professor Sze Ting Lee MBBS, PhD, FRACP, FAANMS, FANMB
Sze Ting Lee is a Nuclear Medicine Physician at Melbourne's Austin Health, where she serves as Deputy Medical Director and Director of Training within the Department of Molecular Imaging & Therapy. Her academic affiliations include positions as Adjunct Professor at RMIT University School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne's Department of Medicine and Department of Surgery, as well as Senior Clinical Research Fellow at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute. Additionally, she holds the title of Associate Professor at La Trobe University's School of Cancer Medicine.
Her professional focus encompasses pioneering work in Molecular Imaging and Therapy for oncological diseases, ranging from groundbreaking phase 1 antibody trials to active involvement in multicenter phase 3 clinical trials. She is also thePET lead for Lymphoma and Theranostics trials at Austin Health.
Dr Lee also serves as a Board Member for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), President of the Australasian Association of Nuclear Medicine Specialists (AANMS), and Council Member in the Adult Medicine Division of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Her expertise is further recognized through her membership in the Scientific Advisory Panel of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM). She actively contributes to the advancement of medical education as a Committee Member and OTP Assessor for the Committee for Joint College Training (CJCT) and as a Committee Member of the Training Site Accreditation Committee (TSAC).
Dr Bonnia Liu FRACP
Bonnia is a final-year Nuclear Medicine trainee and a fellowed Rheumatologist. In 2023, she helped establish the AANMS Trainee Interest Group, dedicated to representing Nuclear Medicine trainees' interests. This group has successfully advocated for trainees' needs. Bonnia's passion lies in utilizing molecular imaging and technology to assess infectious and inflammatory conditions, focusing on imaging in inflammation. She aims to advance the field's utility in this area.
Dr Dinesh Anthony Sivaratnam FRACP
Dinesh is a medical professional, holding dual specialties as a Cardiologist and Nuclear Medicine Physician. He currently serves as the Head of Nuclear Medicine at both The Royal Melbourne Hospital and Cabrini Health in Melbourne.
His perspective on Nuclear Medicine is deeply linked to the field's recent advancements, which have launched it to an important role within various medical specialties leading to a unique set of challenges, particularly in shaping training programs for specialists to stay at the forefront of these developments.
Dinesh eagerly anticipates collaborative endeavours within this healthcare landscape, where he can contribute to shaping the future of medical practice.
Dr Rachelle Steyn MBChB, FCNP, MMed (Nuc Med), PGDip, MSc, FRACP
Rachelle is a Nuclear Medicine Specialist who obtained her Fellowship in Nuclear Medicine in South Africa in 2009. She worked as a consultant in the Department of Nuclear Medicine affiliated with the University of Cape Town from 2010 – 2021 prior to immigrating to New Zealand in 2021. She is currently employed by Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Te Toka Tumai (Auckland), Te Matau-a-Māui (Hawkes Bay) and Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua (Midcentral). Throughout her career in South Africa, Rachelle has played an active role in teaching, training, and developing Nuclear Medicine services. She is committed to fulfil a similar role for Nuclear Medicine in New Zealand. Her vision is to be part of the ongoing growth and expansion of Nuclear Medicine through promoting education and its diagnostic and therapeutic utility so that all New Zealanders have access to high quality Nuclear Medicine Services.
Past members
Nattakorn Dhiantravan FRACP
Nattakorn is a nuclear medicine physician, serving at Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital Queensland Health as well as The University of Queensland. Through clinical and academic experience in the landscape of functional imaging and radionuclide therapy across multiple Australian centres, Nattakorn recognises the challenges facing future generation of nuclear medicine specialists. He focuses on providing high quality training opportunity and improving supports for all nuclear medicine doctors. Advancement of nuclear medicine through integrating molecular imaging biomarkers and broadening clinical application of radionuclide therapy constitute the core of Nattakorn’s research activity.