August 2024
The Board met on 16 August 2024 in an online and in-person meeting in Sydney.
The Board reviewed its risk appetite (the amount of risk that an organisation is prepared to take in meeting its goals). The risk was reviewed in light of our new projects and to ensure we continue meeting accreditation standards. It also ensures we respond to internal and external challenges and changes, including those facing the physician workforce.
For many risks, we have moved to a more enhanced risk appetite, reflecting the need for greater flexibility and a more rapid response from the organisation. Approval for the remaining risks will be reviewed at the September face-to-face Board meeting.
Professor Inam Haq and Rebecca Udemans from RACP’s Education, Learning and Assessment team presented their update on the planning for implementation of the new education governance structure and the next steps to facilitate this across Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and our Faculties, Chapters and Divisions.
We have received the draft AMC accreditation report and collated feedback from our stakeholders to respond.
We also received updates regarding the Australian Federal Government’s proposals about a new expedited specialist international medical graduate pathway and workforce changes (including physician assistants). These are important changes which we will monitor carefully, and which merit input from our members.
The Board confirmed the importance of governance training of College Body Chairs and Deputy Chairs and approved the budget for it. This is something offered for free to assist RACP members in these roles, which translates readily into the hospital and other environments. We were delighted to see that uptake in the training has already risen and will contribute towards improving the quality of committee meetings.
We approved the availability of this provision in the 2025 budget for Chairs and Deputy Chairs of several College Bodies, all of which will be contacted by the Office of the Company Secretary shortly.
The financial results to the end of June were reviewed. The financial results are better than was anticipated in the budget.
In addition, the Board received the litigation report and the legal and regulatory update, noted updates to appointments to College bodies, our cyber security update and Board correspondence.
Our next meeting is a combined strategy day with our College Council on 19 September, followed by a Board meeting on 20 September. We look forward to working closely with members at this meeting.
Kind regards,
Professor Jennifer Martin
Chair of the RACP Board and RACP President