Standard 4

Training management

Theme: Training oversight

Training provider criteria and requirements

4.1 | The training provider has a physician-led structure with the authority, time, funding and staff to plan, administer and deliver physician training.

The training structure that manages physician training functions links to the corporate governance structure and reports to the executive staff member accountable for physician training.

The training provider allocates funding, time, administrative staff and staff with educational expertise to support training.

A Training Network is managed and led by a Network Management Committee, which links into the corporate governance structure of the Settings in the Training Network. Representation includes Director of Training, supervisors and trainees.

The Setting and Training Network Training Program Director have the authority to:

  • identify and deliver strategic initiatives
  • develop and approve training processes
  • expend funds
  • develop plans for the administration and operationalisation of training programs

Training is delivered by assistant, rotation, educational and Advanced Training supervisors under the leadership of Director of Training. The training addresses the curriculum. A supervisor(s) works with a trainee(s) to meet curriculum learning outcomes and complete training program requirements.

Staff, known as Training Program Coordinators, support the delivery and improvement of the training program.

In addition to administrative skills, it’s desirable for the staff appointed to have educational expertise. The time allocated to a Director of Physician/Paediatric Education and required hours for staff support are outlined under Appendix 1: Time allocation for educational leadership and support roles.

A coordinated approach is taken to physician training, where physicians across specialties and/or Settings collaborate to provide a consistent approach to training locally and across specialties and Settings.

Common elements of training, access to and use of resources are coordinated. There is collaboration, advocacy for physician training and sharing of training improvements and innovations.

The RACP is informed of all Fellows with educator roles.

4.1.1 | The training provider ensures Basic Trainees have clinical supervisors and a designated rotation and education supervisor in accordance with the RACP Basic Training Learning, Teaching and Assessment Program.
The training provider ensures Basic Trainees have clinical supervisors and a designated rotation and education supervisor in accordance with the RACP Basic Training Learning, Teaching and Assessment Program.

The clinical and rotation supervisor(s) are Fellows of specialist medical colleges. The education supervisor, Setting and Training Network director(s) of physician/paediatric education are RACP Fellows.

Supervisors are assigned to a trainee. A trainee has a level of flexibility to change a supervisor if it isn’t a good fit. The clinical and rotation supervisor(s) are located at the Setting where the trainee works.

A trainee is assigned an education supervisor for the duration of each phase of the training program. The education supervisor is located at the Setting where the trainee spends most of the training phase. The length of time a trainee has one Fellow acting as both their rotation and education supervisor is minimised.

4.2 | The training provider has educational resources to support training.

Educational infrastructure that supports work and training includes:

  • teaching rooms
  • clinical skills and wet laboratories
  • simulation environments
  • meeting rooms
  • computers with internet access
  • technology
  • visual aids
  • specialty-specific literature and databases

4.3 | The training provider monitors and evaluates training to meet the Standards and improve training quality.

Every trainee receives high-quality training. The quality of training, including supervision, is regularly monitored, and evaluated to make sure the Standards are always met and to improve the quality, equity and outcome of training.

The training provider monitors supervision to ensure:

  • safe practice and delivery of training
  • a safe learning environment is provided
  • ethical and professional behaviour is modelled
  • difficulties, concerns and issues are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner

Trainees and educators have opportunities to feedback about training and to be involved in the development and improvement of training programs. The training provider responds to feedback and in situations where a criterion is not being met, and/or a concern is raised, the matter is rectified immediately.

4.4 | The training provider communicates its clinical services and training opportunities.

Training providers communicate regularly with trainees. Training information is comprehensive, current and accessible. It includes:

  • clinical and training resources and services
  • training opportunities
  • training policy and processes and descriptions of the rotations
  • training program and Setting, including its accreditation status

4.5 | Trainee recruitment, selection and appointment is fair, rigorous, documented and transparent.

Recruitment satisfies the RACP’s Selection into Training Policy (PDF) and recruitment practices. Where a Training Network exists, recruitment is undertaken by the Training Network. The Settings participating in a Training Network do not recruit trainees separately.

Trainee appointment to employers and rotations is based on a published process that is transparent, rigorous and fair. Trainees receive timely, accurate and comprehensive information about their rotations. 

Setting criteria

4.6 | Trainee rosters are accurate, fair, flexible and timely.

The rostering process is flexible and allows a trainee to negotiate changes. The roster is designed to maximise training opportunities and minimise stress, fatigue and transitions in care.

4.7 | A trainee has a designated workspace, secure space for personal items and a space to relax and study.

A trainee workspace is available when required, is located near the delivery of service, provides a space to write and has privacy and easy access to information technology and telecommunications.

4.8 | A trainee is provided with clean, safe and private accommodation.

Quiet overnight accommodation or transport home is provided when a trainee is required to be on-site or on-call after hours. Longer term accommodation is provided when a trainee undertakes a rotation at a Setting that is geographically remote.

Appendix 1: Time allocation for educational leadership and support roles

Where a setting has a full-time equivalency (FTE) greater than outlined in these tables, the RACP expects it to be maintained. The tables represent a transitional arrangement to support setting with FTE lower than outlined in the table.

Basic Training Director of Physician/Paediatric Education (no network)
Basic Trainees per setting FTE — Director of Physician/Paediatric Education
Greater than 105 0.8 (may be a shared role)
90 to 105 0.7 (may be a shared role)
75 to 90 0.6 (may be a shared role)
50 to 74 0.5 (may be a shared role)
30 to 49 0.4
Less than 30 0.2
Basic Training Director of Physician/Paediatric Education (part of a network)
Basic Trainees per setting FTE — Director of Physician/Paediatric Education
Greater than 105 0.5 (may be a shared role)
90 to 105 0.4
75 to 90 0.3
50 to 74 0.25
30 to 49 0.2
Less than 30 0.1
Basic Training Network Director of Physician/Paediatric Education
Basic Trainees per setting FTE — Network Director of Physician/Paediatric Education
Greater than 105 0.8 (may be a shared role)
90 to 105 0.7 (may be a shared role)
75 to 90 0.6 (may be a shared role)
50 to 74 0.5 (may be a shared role)
30 to 49 0.4
Less than 30 0.2
Training Program Coordinator (no network)
Basic Trainees per setting FTE —Training Program Coordinator
Greater than 90 1.0
75 to 90 0.8
50 to 74 0.6
30 to 49 0.4
Less than 30 0.2
Training Program Coordinator (part of network)
Basic Trainees per setting FTE — Training Program Coordinator
Greater than 90 0.5
75 to 90 0.4
50 to 74 0.3
30 to 49 0.2
Less than 30 0.1
Network Training Program Coordinator
Basic Trainees per setting FTE — Training Program Coordinator
Greater than 90 1.0
75 to 90 0.8
50 to 74 0.6
30 to 49 0.4
Less than 30 0.2
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