Standard 3


Theme: Training oversight

Training provider criteria and requirements

3.1 The training provider is committed to and responsible for supporting and delivering physician training.

Good governance provides the required conditions to deliver high-quality training, which enables a trainee to succeed. The training provider is accountable for delivering training in accordance with the Standards.

A strategic approach is taken to physician training, with training being embedded into strategic statements and strategic and operational plans.

The training provider invests financially in training and takes measures to support and deliver training.

The training provider complies with all relevant legislation and regulations. The training provider has clear lines of accountability for staffing and management of the trainee workforce. This is coordinated across Settings and training networks.

The training provider has the capacity, and supports trainees and educators, to contribute to RACP committees, accreditation and activities relating to trainee education, assessment and examination.

3.2 The training provider has a training governance system that guides and oversees physician training.

Training governance is based on the principle of equity — its transparent and effective and provides support to trainees and educators. Its processes align to RACP policies and processes are clear, rigorous, accessible and followed effectively. Trainees and educators understand training governance and its processes.

An executive staff member, with a background in medical training, is accountable for physician training and meeting the Standards. A Training Program Director* (or equivalent) manages a training program at a Setting or Training Network level and provides training leadership and oversight. Educators and trainees are adequately represented in the training structures and/or committees.

* Directors of Physician/Paediatric Education or of Advanced Training
3.2.1 A Training Program is led by a Director of Physician or Paediatric Education (DPE), who is an RACP Fellow.

When a training program is administered by a Training Network, there is a Director of Physician/Paediatric Education for at least each principal training program and the Training Network.

A Director of Physician/Paediatric Education is selected according to the Educational Leadership and Supervision Framework.

3.3 The training provider has determined the number of trainees it has in relation to its capacity to resource training and ability to deliver work and training experiences that align with the curricula.

The training provider determines its capacity to train and provides evidence to validate its trainee numbers. Trainee capacity and any change in capacity is reported to, reviewed and approved by the RACP.

3.3.1 The number of Basic Trainees allocated to a rotation does not exceed the rotation’s capacity to train.

3.4 The training provider collaborates and has effective relationships with trainees, educators, other training providers and the RACP.

The training provider has the means to contact and communicate with trainees and educators, and to engage with them actively and meaningfully. Effective liaison exists between a training provider, the other training providers with whom they work with and the RACP.

3.5 The training provider has an agreement with the RACP and other training providers with whom they work with to deliver training.

Settings that are separately constituted health services but deliver training together have an agreement that specifies:

  • their formal commitment to the arrangement, including resources
  • the training arrangements
  • each Setting’s roles, responsibilities and reporting lines
  • a dispute resolution process

Agreements are created when a Training Network is formed or when a smaller Setting affiliates with a larger Setting to access training support functions.

Setting criteria

3.6 The Setting assesses the impact service change will have on training and engages with educators and trainees on the change process.

Settings making a service change:

  • assess the impact on physician training, trainees and educators
  • involve trainees and educators in the design and implementation of the change
  • communicate early and effectively
  • socialise the change

The RACP is notified when a decision is taken to modify services as they are required to assess the impact on training.

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