Standard 6

Trainee support and wellbeing

Theme: Training support

Training provider criteria

6.1 | A trainee is supported to maintain health and wellbeing and seek help if needed.

Doctors are more vulnerable to mental health and wellbeing issues than the general population. Within this group, one of the more vulnerable groups are trainees. A trainee works in a safe environment that supports their wellbeing and health.

The training provider supports a trainee by:

  • clearly defining and then establishing trainee roles and responsibilities
  • encouraging work-life balance, social support and community in the workplace
  • encouraging them to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing
  • supporting prevention and recovery

There is a forum for trainees to communicate and exchange information. It provides opportunities to discuss the training program and learning environment with a Training Program Director.

Support is relevant and appropriate for a diverse trainee cohort. A trainee’s wellbeing is monitored regularly through face-to-face meetings with their Training Program Director and supervisor(s). Steps are taken by the training provider to identify and resolve trainee job quality that impact negatively on the trainee’s health and wellbeing.

A trainee has access to resources to support their health and wellbeing. The resources include:

  • access to opportunities for professional debriefing
  • support and mentorship
  • educator forums
  • assistance with resolution of difficulties in trainee–educator relationships
  • time out (when required)
  • confidential counselling
  • occupational health services

A clear process, which is resourced, exists to identify, manage and support a trainee where there is a health or wellbeing concern.

6.2 | A trainee receives pastoral care, career advice and information and support to transition between training stages, and to return to training following a career break.

6.3 | The training provider facilitates identification of mentors for trainees.

6.4 | A trainee has access to flexible work arrangements in accordance with the RACP’s Flexible Training Policy (PDF).

Information on flexible work arrangements and their accessibility is available to a trainee. Reasonable steps are taken to accommodate a trainee request to work flexibly.

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